New Book Introduces Unique Framework for the Customer Experience of Tomorrow


Supercharging the Customer Experience, written by experts Alan Williams and Dave Stubberfield, defines a unique fresh approach to the design, implementation and development of customer experience (CX) strategy in any organization. The award-winning framework consists of five elements and reveals how customer experience can be turned into a culture rather than a function. It highlights the importance of aligned strategic thinking and coordinated execution among all departments in an organization.

There has been a general shift from a product-based economy to an experience-based one. Customers are increasingly making choices based on emotion rather than rationale, and their thoughts and feelings can be shared to millions, instantly, in our super-connected world. Brands are no longer owned by organizations, but co-owned with customers, employees, service partners and investors. And employees themselves want a sense of meaning and fulfilment from the companies they represent. According to Williams and Stubberfield, the successful organization of tomorrow needs to deliver a customer experience that reinforces a sense of shared values with customers and stakeholders.

The five elements making up the authors’ methodology are Brand Identity, Employee Engagement, Customer Experience, Systems & Processes, and Measurement & Insight. The essence of the framework is organizational alignment and coordinated execution.

Alan Williams and Dave Stubberfield say: “The decision to write the book was an instinctive and natural one. One day, we were working on the development of our CX in ConteXt Development Programme. It suddenly dawned on Alan that the approach we were developing was a great structure for a book. Dave was instinctive in saying “Yes”, and the rest is history.”

Shep Hyken, customer service expert and New York Times bestselling author, says about the book: “The world of customer service and customer experience has changed drastically in my 40 years in the field. This book provides a powerful framework that will help give any organization a laser-like focus on the customer experience.”

Alan Williams is the founder of SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL and advises business leaders internationally to deliver value-driven service. Dave Stubberfield is the director of Carter Consultancy and specializes in enabling cultural transformation to help businesses achieve greatness. Alan and Dave have co-created the CX in ConteXt development programme, accredited by the British Quality Foundation (BQF).


Notes to editors:

  • Supercharging the Customer Experience is published on 25 April 2024 by LID Publishing, available as paperback and e-book
  • For all media requests, please contact Teya Ucherdzhieva (E:; M: +44 (0) 7928 666 131)
  • The authors’ framework won CoreNet Global Innovation in Real Estate Award (Royal Bank of Scotland/Compass Group) and The EuroFM Partners Across Borders Award (EMC’s Global Real Estate & Facilities)
  • For more information about Alan Williams, please visit his LinkedIn
  • For more information about Dave Stubberfield, please visit his LinkedIn
  • For more information about the CX in ConteXt programme, please visit
  • For more information about LID Publishing, please visit


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