Netflix movie of the day: Shrek is so good we’ll almost forgive Mike Myers’ truly terrible Scots accent


Movie of the Day

Every day, we cut through the bottomless list of streaming options and recommend something to watch. See all our Netflix movie of the day picks. 

After what feels like about thirty sequels it’s sometimes easy to forget that the original Shrek movie was a breath of fresh air – well, as fresh as you’re gonna get in a swamp. It set a template that’s informed all kinds of animations since with its mix of kid-delighting gross-out gags, more edgy jokes for the grown-ups and a wholly irreverent attitude that saw it taking pot-shots at a certain movie studio and theme park provider. 

Even year later it’s still a very funny film for viewers of any age. It’s so good, in fact, that your writer, a Scot born and bred, is willing to overlook Mike Myers’ dreadful attempt at a Scottish accent.

Is Shrek worth streaming?


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