MEM TV: Recession Fears Drive Sector Rotation


In this episode ofStock Charts TV‘SThe MEM edge, Mary Ellen reviews the impact of weak economic data on markets as defensive sectors outperformed and growth stocks paused. It also explains how to spot a downtrend reversal in the midst of a sector rotation.

This video originally aired on April 7, 2023. Click on the image above to continue viewingour committedMEM edgebook pageon StockCharts TV, or clickthis linkto watch on YouTube. You can also check out our on-demand website, StockChartsTV.comuse this link.

New episodes ofThe MEM Edgeairs Fridays at 5:00 p.m. PT on StockCharts TV. You can view all previously recorded episodeswith this link. You can also get a 4-week free trial of their MEM Edge Report by clicking the image below.


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