One in ten brands fails basic cybersecurity hygiene checks, leaving the door open to cybercriminals, ransomware attacks and more


More than 90% of the branded websites we analyzed did not receive an A+ cybersecurity rating, set by industry best practices and standards. That’s just bad cyber risk management.

SINGAPORE, December 16, 2022 /24-7press release/ — After analyzing nearly 10,000 websites cygienic found that a staggering 10% of leading global brands’ websites failed basic cybersecurity hygiene checkpoints, such as: B. weak website security or poor email security settings.

As a result, many of these brands, including their customers, could be vulnerable to cyberattacks, ransomware, email scams, and more.

Just as good personal hygiene helps promote health and well-being, good cyber hygiene helps protect the health and security of an organization’s sensitive data, reputation and more.

It can also help stop potential hackers and criminal groups.

cygienic analyzed almost 10,000 websites of global brands. It looked at the strength of email and website security, the trustworthiness of IP addresses, and potential website vulnerabilities and privacy issues. The following was found:
• 10% failed basic cyber hygiene assessments
• 9% achieved an overall grade of “A” or “A+”.
• 40% achieved the grade “B” or “B+”.
• 30% achieved the grade “C” or “C+”.

“More than 90% of the corporate brand websites we analyzed did not receive an ‘A+’. Cyber ​​Security Assessmentas defined by industry best practices and standards,” Cygienic said. “This is just poor cyber risk management.”

With cyber attacks on the rise, cyber risk management is more important than ever. Otherwise, it’s like cybercriminals are leaving the key under the mat to steal your data, cash in on ransomware, tarnish your reputation, or worse.

Among the global brand websites surveyed cygienic also found this:
• 9% have already been flagged as executing botnets, malware or spam services. This would mean that these website domains have already been breached.
• 70% had one or more known website vulnerabilities that could expose that brand or website domain to a cyberattack.
• More than 50% failed to meet basic privacy control points.

Poor cyber hygiene affects that of a company Cyber ​​Security Assessment. However, these reviews are essential for:
• Management and assessment of third-party risk
• Selection of suppliers and investors
• Delivering a measurable ROI to key stakeholders

In fact, according to Gartner, strong cybersecurity ratings are becoming as important as credit ratings when assessing the risk of new business relationships. To the point where cybersecurity assessments are becoming standard and duty of care for both buyers and suppliers.

“Good cyber hygiene habits are essential for any business that uses email or has an online presence,” said Cygienic. “And it all starts with knowing your own Cyber ​​Security Assessment– before the hackers do.”

To see how exposed your company is, Check your cybersecurity rating today.

A limited liability company registered in Singapore, cygienic helps businesses see how vulnerable they are online in terms of data breaches, cyberattacks, ransomware and more. By scanning, reviewing, and monitoring their cybersecurity assessments, as well as those of their third-party vendors and business partners, organizations can mitigate their cybersecurity risk. In doing so, they help protect their data, finances and reputation while promoting their value to potential investors. So it pays off Know your cybersecurity rating.

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