New UN report warns of ‘dehumanization’ of job-seeking migrants


The report, We wanted workers, but people came, shortly before published International Day of Migrantsfocuses on programs operating in the Asia-Pacific region — the largest single migrant-producing region in the world.

Migrant workers are often dehumanized“, said Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, recalled that “they are human beings entitled to human rights and full protection of their human dignity”.

Misleading promises

Every year, millions leave their countries on temporary labor migration programs that promise economic benefits to destination countries and development dividends to countries of origin.

The report describes how, in many cases, temporary work arrangements entail a number of unacceptable human rights restrictions.

It shows how migrant workers are often forced to live in overcrowded and unsanitary accommodation, cannot afford nutritious food, do not receive adequate health care and face long and sometimes mandatory separation from their families.

In addition, measures that exclude them from state support in some countries put migrants at disproportionate risk COVID-19 infection, the report said.

They should not be expected to give up their rights to migrate for work, important as this may be for them and their familiesand for the economies of their countries of origin and destination,” underlined Mr. Türk.

case studies

The report cites the example of an unnamed state that requires government permission to marry citizens or permanent residents.

In another, certain designated “family zones” cannot be rented to temporary migrants because workers are not allowed to migrate with their families.

No time for worship

Under some seasonal programs, migrants are expected to work Saturdays and Sundays, leaving them no time to attend church services.

Migrant domestic workers in other states have been reported to have been told they would be fired if they prayed or fasted while on the job.

Some foreign construction workers report receiving substandard medical care at the clinics provided by their employers.

Measures that restrict human rights cannot be justified by the argument that migrants’ immigration status is temporarynor can states delegate their duty as duty-bearers to ensure the human rights of all migrant workers and their family members to employers and other private actors,” stressed Mr. Türk.

“States must adopt comprehensive, human rights-based labor migration policies along the migratory corridors in and out of Asia and the Pacific as an alternative to restrictive and in some cases exploitative temporary programs.”


Migrants are particularly vulnerable during the often arduous journeys just trying to reach their destination.

Before Sunday International Day of MigrantsNearly a dozen independent human rights experts appointed by the United Nations urged states to urgently speed up their efforts to combat enforced disappearances of migrants.

“Effective and systematic coordination between countries along the route is therefore urgently needed,” they said in a expression.

Workers install electrical cables in South Luzon, Philippines.

Cooperation is “key”

The UN legal experts stressed that states must coordinate to prevent the annual disappearance of thousands of migrants on road.

Citing the International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates, they said that Over 35,000 migrants have died or disappeared since 2014.

However, there are no precise figures on the rate of enforced disappearances in cases involving state officials or those acting with the approval, support or connivance of countries.

However, information suggests that most people disappear during the detention or deportation process or as a result of migrant smuggling or human trafficking.

“Mutual support and cooperation are key to find missing migrants, investigate their disappearance, accompany their families and relatives during these processes, as well as protect and prevent this heinous crime,” the experts said, noting the need for a ” networked data collection and information” towards systems”.

Rigid guidelines

They blamed many enforced disappearances on states’ rigid border management and migration policies, citing policies that include blanket refusals of entry; criminalization of migration; and mandatory, automatic, or widespread use of immigration detention; and arbitrary evictions.

“These factors encourage migrants to take more dangerous routes, put their lives in the hands of smugglers and put themselves at greater risk of human rights abuses and enforced disappearances,” the experts said.

Migrant workers aboard a Thai fishing vessel.

Migrant workers aboard a Thai fishing vessel.

Worrying trend

That Committee on Enforced Disappearances began his very first General comment in the context of migration, to guide states in their legal obligations and to offer measures to protect migrants. That Committee on Enforced Disappearances has started his very first General comment Processes in the migration context to guide states in their legal obligations and to offer measures to protect migrants.

The experts urged nations, human rights mechanisms and others to join efforts to prevent enforced disappearances.

“Particular attention must be paid to the needs of women and children, particularly unaccompanied children, who are direct and indirect victims of these crimes,” they said.

The experts

click here for the names of the experts who signed this declaration.

Special rapporteurs and independent experts are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to investigate and report on a specific human rights issue or situation in a country. The positions are honorary and the experts are not paid for their work.


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