If you are ever desired Wordle‘S Daily word puzzles were higher stakes, the New York Times today released all the material you need to play Wordle Golf, a nine-day Wordle competition that pits friends, family and colleagues against each other to make the lowest ‘par’ every day Wordle Puzzle.
Well, the New York Times doesn’t bother with the big work here. They have provided the rules for playing Wordle Golf and have created a nifty spreadsheet for you to add up points as you play.
The rules are also simple: As in golf, you aim for the lowest possible score. If you guess the word once, you only get one point. If you fail to guess it five times, you get five points instead. Missing a day earns you a whopping seven points, while those who don’t play earn six and a half points.
If another player spoofs the word for you, immediately mark on your card the number of times you guessed before the word was spoofed. If you were the offending spoiler, you get an extra four points. This opens up the possibility for you to trick another player into spoiling your word so you can get a better score and punish your opponents, but surely nobody would do that, right?
If you are looking Today’s Wordle answer You can just click on the link, but you can’t give us four stars for that, sorry.
Since WordleWith the release in October 2021, it has become the leading word game on the internet. While that initial pop culture boom has now waned, there are still plenty of people who start their day guessing the five-letter word. The New York Times bought it for “a low seven-figure sum” for their puzzle section in early 2022 and has been making it free to play ever since.