OnePlus pad was unveiled at OnePlus’ Cloud 11 event earlier this February. The tablet is now updated to the latest OxygenOS 13.1. The update brings features like cellular data sharing and a new multiscreen connection. The Android 13-based OxygenOS 13 is preinstalled on the OnePlus Pad. The latest OxygenOS 13.1 update is also provided for the One Plus 11, OnePlus 11R, OnePlus 10T, OnePlus 10R and other smartphones of the numbered series from OnePlus.
OnePlus today announced the launch of the latest software update. The OxygenOS 13.1 update for OnePlus Pad brings several improvements and new features including mobile data sharing and multiscreen connection. The Cellular Data Sharing feature allows users to access their OnePlus phone’s data on the OnePlus Pad by logging into the same account. You can surf the web, answer calls and send/receive text messages, and share cellular data without having to set up a portable hotspot. However, note that the feature works within a distance of 10 meters.
To use this feature, users must first sign in with the same account on both their OnePlus phone and OnePlus Pad, and then turn on WiFi and Bluetooth on both devices. Once that’s done, they can turn on the “Quick Connect” and “Auto Connect” settings, followed by “Mobile Data Sharing,” “Calling Sharing,” and “Messaging Sharing” in the Multi-Screen Connect settings. After that, users need to disable WiFi to access mobile data sharing on the OnePlus Pad.
In addition, the Auto Connect and Relay Playing features of the latest OTA update provide cross-screen functionality and allow users to easily switch between the OnePlus smartphone and the OnePlus Pad. Specifically, these features are only available on OnePlus smartphones running OxygenOS 13.1, including OnePlus 8 and higher numbered cellphone series.
OnePlus started the OnePlus Pad at its Cloud 11 event alongside the OnePlus 11 5G, OnePlus 11R and OnePlus Buds Pro 2. The tablet features an 11.61-inch display with a 144Hz refresh rate. It runs Android 13 out of the box and will powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 9000 SoC.