The Oppo Reno 10 5G series is planned scheduled to launch in India on July 10th. The latest series from Oppo will include the Oppo Reno 10, Reno 10 Pro and Reno 10 Pro+. The company has not yet announced the likely price of the handsets. However, a recent leak recommended that the Oppo Reno 10 5G series will launch at a price of Rs. 30,000 for the base model, with the Oppo Reno 10 Pro and Oppo Reno 10 Pro+ starting at Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 50,000 respectively. Now the mobile phones have reportedly been listed on JioMart and their price has been revealed.
In a Twitter post, tipster Sudhanshu Ambhore (@Sudhanshu1414) shared a screenshot showing a listing of the Oppo Reno 10 5G series on JioMart. However, at the time of writing, the listings had already been removed from the e-commerce site. The screenshot shared by the tipster suggests that the Oppo Reno 10 Pro with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage will be priced at Rs. 40,999.
Meanwhile, the Oppo Reno 10 Pro+ is available for Rs. 54,999 for the 12GB RAM + 256GB storage variant. However, since the mobile phones are no longer available on the e-commerce site, this information should be taken with a pinch of salt.
The Oppo Reno 10 5G series will launch in India on July 10 and will consist of three models. A recently reportCiting tipster Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings), he hinted that the base Oppo Reno 10 5G will be available in India for Rs. 38,999.
On the other hand, the Reno 10 Pro and Reno 10 Pro+ variants are said to have a starting price of Rs. 44,999 and Rs. 59,999 respectively
The Oppo Reno 10 Pro series smartphones have been confirmed to come with a 64-megapixel sensor and the Reno 10 Pro+ variant is said to come with the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC.