According to the Security Council, the status quo on the Korean peninsula is “alarming and unsustainable”.


Khaled Khiari informed the Council just a day after the DPRK carried out the second launch of its Hwasong-18 ICBM, a system which it said can now “reach most points on the planet”.

It was “potentially” Pyongyang’s longest rocket flight ever, lasting around 74 minutes and covering over 1,000 kilometers before crashing into the sea within Russia’s exclusive economic zone but near Japanese waters, Mr Khiari told the ambassadors.

Guterres urges compliance

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday evening issued an opinion They strongly condemn the launch of “another” long-range ballistic missile by the DPRK, better known as North Korea.

The missile had the range required to potentially hit the mainland United States, increasing the risk it could be used by Pyongyang for a long-range nuclear strike, according to news reports.

The launch came after the DPRK threatened retaliation against alleged incursions into its territory by a US spy plane.

Washington reportedly denied the allegations, calling its military patrols fully in accordance with international law.

In his spokesman’s statement, Mr. Guterres reiterated his calls for the DPRK to “fully comply” with its international obligations on all relevant issues. Security Council Resolutions banning the country from conducting ballistic missile technology launches.

He also called on the DPRK to resume dialogue “without preconditions” to lead to sustainable peace and the full and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

“Significant Risk”

Mr Khiari said at Thursday’s emergency meeting in New York that the DPRK has not issued any airspace or sea safety notifications for launch in this fourth ICBM test of the year – after five last year.

This poses “a serious threat to international civil aviation and maritime traffic,” he said.

He highlighted DPRK’s attempted military satellite launch in late May and said that while every country has the right to conduct peaceful space activities, Security Council resolutions prohibit the country from conducting ballistic missile technology launches.

“Major peace and security issues such as the situation on the Korean peninsula must be an area of ​​cooperation,” the senior official said.

“Reversing the Dangerous Dynamic”

He told the Council there were practical measures that could be taken to ease tensions and “reverse the dangerous momentum” and tilt towards diplomacy.

“I stress the importance of restoring communication channels, especially between military units, and exercising maximum restraint. It is important to avoid an unintended escalation.”

Mr Khiari also underscored the UN’s continued concerns about the humanitarian situation in the DPRK, saying the organization stands ready to assist the country’s vulnerable populations.

He urged Pyongyang to allow the “unhindered re-entry and rotation of the international community” now COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency, including for the UN team there.

Diplomacy, not isolation

“Diplomacy – not isolation – is the only way forward,” he stressed.

He concluded by emphasizing that unity in the Chamber “is essential to defuse tensions and break the diplomatic impasse. The primary responsibility for international peace and security rests with this Council.”


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