Google launched the Android 13 operating system last year and is now scheduled to launch the next Android version, Android 14, later this year. While Android 14 is still in beta, already expected features and improvements of the next version of Google’s mobile operating system have surfaced on the internet. Android 14 is said to add support for satellite connectivity on smartphones, allowing users to send emergency notifications without using cellular or Wi-Fi coverage. The feature was also introduced by Apple last year iPhone 14 Series.
TeamPixel (Twitter @GooglePixelFC) in its latest version tweet, has announced that the upcoming Android 14 will bring satellite connectivity support for SMS, as well as other features, to supported smartphones with the necessary hardware. It has also been said that Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy phone users will likely be the first to get their hands on this feature. Satellite-based communication requires hardware support and the availability of the function on other Android smartphones would therefore depend on the manufacturer.
If this feature is supported, smartphone users can send SMS via satellite connections in remote areas where cellular network or WiFi is not available.
Apple introduced the emergency SoS-by-satellite feature last year with the launch of the iPhone 14 series. However, at the time of publication, the feature was only available in the US and Canada. Later it was like that expanded to other countries including the UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal. In addition to communicating with emergency services, this feature allows users to search for their location and share it with friends and family via the Find My app.
Meanwhile Google Approved the Android 14 Beta 4 update for eligible Pixel users earlier this month. The latest Android 14 beta has been said to be good for testing and general use. It is said to bring several fixes and system performance improvements. The Android 14 Beta 4 is also available for pixel wrinkle and the Pixel tablet.