Infinix has launched its flagship Zero Book laptop series in India. The lineup includes two models – the Infinix Zero Book and the Infinix Zero Book Ultra. The laptops are equipped with colorful 15.6-inch full HD displays and are available with three processor variants. The series comes with integrated Intel 96EU Iris graphics and the high-end variant of the laptop is powered by a 12th Gen Intel Core i9 CPU. The laptop devices are currently all available through Flipkart.
Infinix Zero Book, Infinix Zero Book Ultra price, availability
the Infinix Zero book is available in two different configurations. The base model of Infinix has a 12th gen Intel Core i5 processor, 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD which costs Rs. 49,990, while the same model with a 12th Gen Intel Core i7 processor is marked Rs. 64,990.
Meanwhile the Infinix Zerobook Ultra with the 12th Gen Intel Core i9 chipset, 32GB RAM and 1TB SSD costs Rs. 84,990. The same high-end model with 512GB SSD storage costs Rs. 79,990. flip card currently offers all models for sale.
Infinix Zero Book, Infinix Zero Book Ultra Specifications, Features
The Infinix Zero Book series laptops feature a thin and light metal chassis with a thickness of 16.9mm and a weight of about 1.8kg. Both laptops offer a colour-intensive 15.6-inch Full HD display with 100% sRGB color reproduction and 400 nits of brightness. As mentioned, the laptops are available in three processor variants with the latest 12th Gen Intel Core H i5, i7 and i9 chipsets and feature integrated Intel 96EU Iris graphics.
In addition, the Zero Book also offers an over-boost switch that allows the device to switch between “three different modes”: Eco mode (to maximize battery life), Balance mode (to balance the stability between over-boost and Eco mode) and Over Boost mode (to provide higher performance at 54W output power when using heavy software). The red back light on the hinge of the device ensures that the Over Boost mode is active.”
With the laptops, Infinix includes a 96W Hyper-Portable Charger with Quick Charge Unit, which is said to fully charge the laptop in about two hours. The Zero Book laptops feature a front-facing webcam with AI beauty camera, AI noise reduction, face tracking, and a background blur feature.
In terms of connectivity, the Zero Book line of laptops includes two USB Type-A 3.0 ports, one USB Type-C port for charging and data transfer, one HDMI 1.4 port, and another Type-C port -Connection for data transfer. The laptops also have an SD card slot and a 3.5mm headphone jack. They come equipped with a backlit keyboard, Wi-Fi 6E, an ICE Strom 2.0 cooling system with dual fans, and a quad-array speaker setup.