Winter Solstice 2023 Greeting Cards Announced by Charity eCards Site


Herefordshire international development charity Hope Spring today announced the release of its winter solstices greetings cards for 2023. Through its fundraising platform Hope Spring charity ecards, the organisation announced five new winter solstice electronic cards, which boosts the current fifty strong solstice ecards. The organisation raises a significant proportion of the fund it uses to implement its projects from direct fundraising.

Speaking about the winter solstice category of their platform and the newly announced ecard, Hope Spring trustee and a member of the ecards development team Temi Odurinde said “ I am very pleased with how the commission for new sets of solstices ecards to freshen up our current catalogue turned out. We knew we needed to refresh our solstice cards, we were not sure how to go about it. A member of the team suggested that we should get some of the most iconic winter animals, have them illustrated. “ Temi added “we went with her suggestion, working with a new illustrator who did an excellent job.”.

Winter solstice greeting cards as well as Hope Spring ecards December staple Christmas ecards are expected to help the NGO achieve its fundraising goal for the last quarter of 2023. Hope Spring works with other poverty alleviation organisations in West Africa, to build well, borehole and other WASH related projects. This year so far, they have worked on projects that bring safe, clean water to thousands of people in Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

Detailed information about their advocacy and other work can be found on their website as well as their social media pages. The new fundraising solstice cards can be sent for a one-off donation or free of charge by visiting their greetings cards pages.


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