The Infinix InBook Y1 Plus is ready to launch in India soon. The company has confirmed the launch of its new laptop and unveiled some of its key specs via a microsite on e-commerce platform Flipkart. The upcoming laptop is said to have a 15.6-inch FHD display. The teaser image shows the silver, blue and gray color options. It is powered by a 50Wh battery. The company announced on a dedicated landing page on Flipkart that the Infinix InBook Y1 Plus will boast 250 nits of brightness, 86 percent sRGB color gamut, and ultra-narrow side bezels.
Infinix InBook Y1 Plus price, availability (expected)
The price of the Infinix InBook Y1 Plus laptop is likely to be under Rs 30,000 according to the promotional image teased by the company. While the exact launch date of the upcoming laptop is unclear, it will be available for sale on Flipkart.
The Infinix InBook Y1 will be available in three colors – Blue, Gray and Silver.
Infinix InBook Y1 Plus specifications (expected)
While other hardware specs of the Infinix InBook Y1 Plus have been kept under wraps, the Flipkart microsite listing revealed that the laptop will be powered by an Intel Core processor.
The Infinix InBook Y1 Plus comes with a 15.6-inch display with Full HD resolution. It will have ultra-narrow bezels on the sides and is said to offer 250 nits of brightness and 86 percent sRGB color gamut. The laptop is confirmed to be powered by a 50Wh battery unit that offers up to 10 hours of video playback. It supports 45W charging via a Type-C port, which claims to charge 75 percent of the battery in an hour.
On the audio front, the laptop has two stereo speakers that produce 2W of sound output. The laptop also features an AG glass touchpad with support for multi-touch and gestures. The Infinix InBook Y1 Plus will be a lightweight laptop aimed at students and professionals.
Meanwhile, Infinix confirmed the launch of Infinix Smart 7 in India on February 22nd. The smartphone has already been presented for the global market. The company has teased some of the Smart 7’s key specs and features. The phone will feature a flat bezel design and will come with a fairly large camera module on the back. The price of the Infinix Smart 7 is confirmed under Rs. 7,500 in India for the variant with 4 GB RAM and 64 GB storage.
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