The Korean peninsula “must be an area of ​​cooperation,” according to the Security Council


Deputy Secretary-General Khaled Khiari, briefing the council on Monday afternoon, reiterated the UN Secretary-General’s strong condemnation of the launch and his call for action to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula.

“The Secretary-General deeply regrets the divisions that have prevented the international community from addressing the DPRK, as well as other threats to peace and security around the world.” called. “The Korean peninsula must be a cooperation area.”

meet commitments

The council meeting came after the DPRK announced it had launched a long-range ballistic missile on Saturday that flew nearly 600 miles (990 kilometers) and landed in the Sea of ​​Japan.

What Pyongyang called a launch exercise with two “tactical nuclear missiles” followed Monday.

“The Secretary-General reiterates his demands to the DPRK immediately refrain from further provocative actionsto fully implement its international commitments under all relevant Security Council resolutions and to resume dialogue leading to lasting peace and the full and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” Mr. Khiari said.

The nuclear pursuit continues

He noted that the DPRK had clearly stated its intention to continue its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs in violation of Council resolutions.

The country continues to implement a five-year military plan unveiled in January 2021, which included the development of new ICBMs.

The DPRK has also repeatedly warned of so-called “countermeasures” to military exercises conducted in the region, calling last week’s non-proliferation council meeting “a hostile act against which the DPRK is obliged to take appropriate countermeasures,” he added.

The role of the Security Council

“Today’s meeting reaffirms that the Security Council has primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security,” Mr Khiari said.

“The meeting also provides an opportunity to discuss practical measures to achieve a peaceful, comprehensive, diplomatic and political solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula.”

He recalled that over the past year the DPRK “greatly increased” missile launch activities, 70 of which used ballistic missile technology.

The launches were characterized as systems with nuclear weapon roles. Most of the systems tested are capable of hitting targets in the Korean Peninsula, and some can reach parts of North America.

Non-nuclear target

The DPRK also passed a new law in September that sets out the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons, including preemptively under certain circumstances.

“A seventh nuclear test would be in flagrant violation of Security Council resolutions and would undermine the international norm against nuclear testing. The Secretary-General remains firmly committed to achieving the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world,” he said.

Mr Khiari told the council that the situation on the Korean Peninsula continues to move in the wrong direction amid rising tensions due to “the negative action-reaction cycle, with no evasive action in sight”.

Reduce tension, avoid escalation

He outlined three steps to defusing tensions.

“First, the DPRK must take immediate steps Resuming dialogue leading to lasting peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula; this should include the DPRK refraining from further ballistic missile technology launches or nuclear tests,” he said.

He hailed the Council’s commitment to a peaceful, comprehensive, diplomatic and peaceful solution and said the second step underscores this diplomacy, not isolation, is the only way forward.

“It is vital avoid unintentional escalation‘ said Mr. Khiari, introducing his third step. “Communication channels need to be improved, especially from military to military. Avoiding confrontational rhetoric will help ease political tensions and create space to explore diplomatic avenues.”

Humanitarian Concerns

Before closing, Mr. Khiari reiterated the UN’s concerns about the humanitarian situation in the DPRK.

“The United Nations stands ready to assist the DPRK in addressing medical and other humanitarian needs,” he told Council members. “To enable a timely and effective response, we reiterate our call for the unhindered entry of international employeesincluding the resident coordinator, and humanitarian supplies.”


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