Cookie Policy

About cookie policy

This site uses cookies to secure your connection, enhance your experience, and improve the functionality you enjoy as you navigate our website. Additionally, cookies help us analyze and aggregate anonymous user information to better design our sites. Cookies are small data files that a website or its service provider transfers to your device via your web browser (if you allow it), enabling the site’s or service provider’s systems to recognize your browser and capture certain information. This page explains what information cookies collect, how we use that information, and why we sometimes need to store cookies. We’ll also explain how you can prevent cookies from being stored, however this may downgrade or ‘break’ certain elements of the sites functionality.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website. Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us, and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.
Your consent applies to the following domains:

How We Use Cookies

Cookies play a crucial role in enhancing your experience on our website, and we utilize them for various purposes as outlined below. Please note that there are typically no industry-standard methods for disabling cookies without negatively impacting the features and functionality they bring to our site. Therefore, it is advisable to keep all cookies enabled, especially if you are unsure whether you need them for a particular service or feature that you rely on.

Disabling Cookies

You have the option to manage your cookie settings by adjusting your browser preferences (refer to your browser’s Help section for detailed instructions). However, please be aware that disabling cookies can significantly impact the performance and functionality of this website, as well as other sites you visit. By turning off cookies, you may also disable certain features and services that rely on them to operate correctly. For this reason, we recommend keeping cookies enabled to ensure the best possible experience on our website.

The Cookies We Set

Login-Related Cookies

We use cookies to keep you logged in as you navigate through our site. These cookies ensure that you don’t need to re-enter your login credentials every time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed when you log out to ensure that only authenticated users can access restricted features and areas.

Email Newsletters-Related Cookies

Our site offers newsletter or email subscription services. We may use cookies to remember if you are already registered and to determine whether to show certain notifications that might be relevant only to subscribed or unsubscribed users.

Forms-Related Cookies

When you submit data through forms, such as those found on contact pages or comment sections, we may set cookies to remember your user details for future correspondence.

Site Preferences Cookies

To provide you with an optimal browsing experience, we offer the ability to set your preferences for how the site operates. Cookies are necessary to remember these preferences so that the site can automatically apply them whenever you interact with relevant pages.

Push Notification Cookies

We provide a push notification service to keep you informed of the latest updates. These cookies are only activated if you opt-in to receive push notifications. They help trigger a small message on your system whenever we broadcast new content. We limit notifications to no more than one per day for opt-in users.

Third-Party Cookies

Security and Spam Protection

For enhanced security and to protect against spam, we use CleanTalk Security and Spam Protection, which employs cookies to monitor and prevent spam activities and enhance the overall security of our site and its users.

YouTube Cookies

Our site may feature embedded YouTube videos. YouTube uses cookies to better understand your video preferences and to provide a more personalized user experience based on your interests when you visit their platform.

Google Analytics Cookies

We use Google Analytics, a popular and trusted analytics solution, to help us understand how you use our site and identify areas for improvement. These cookies may track information such as the time you spend on our site and the pages you visit, enabling us to continue producing engaging content. For more details on Google Analytics cookies, please visit the official Google Analytics page.

Third-Party Analytics Cookies

We employ third-party analytics to monitor how you interact with our site. These cookies may track your site usage, helping us to improve the user experience by providing insights into which content resonates most with visitors.

Testing and Optimization Cookies

From time to time, we may test new features or make subtle changes to the site’s functionality. Cookies may be used during these tests to ensure a consistent experience and to help us understand which optimizations our users appreciate most.

Advertising and Affiliate Cookies

As a site that offers services, it’s crucial for us to understand visitor engagement. Cookies help us monitor site traffic, link clicks, and other interactions, allowing us to make informed business decisions, optimize our advertising strategies, and maintain competitive pricing.

We use Google AdSense to serve advertisements, and the service may employ a DoubleClick cookie to deliver more relevant ads and limit the number of times a specific ad is shown to you. For more information on Google AdSense cookies, see the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ.

We also use behavioral advertising cookies to anonymously track your interests and serve ads that are more relevant to you. Additionally, affiliate tracking cookies help us credit our partners appropriately when customers visit our site through their links.

Social Media Cookies

Our site integrates social media buttons and plugins, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, which allow you to connect with your social networks. These social media platforms may set cookies through our site to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold, as outlined in their respective privacy policies.

How can I control the cookie preferences?

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies.

More Information

We hope this explanation has clarified how cookies work and why they are important for your experience on our site. As mentioned earlier, if you’re unsure whether you need certain cookies, it’s generally safer to keep them enabled to ensure full functionality of the features you use.

If you still have questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to us at Email: Please include the site name—Technologies and Gadgets—in your message.

For additional details, you can also refer to our Privacy Policy.