Infinix InBook Y1 Plus laptop launched in India. The laptop features a 15.6-inch Full HD display and comes pre-installed with Windows 11 Home, 8GB of RAM and up to 512GB of storage. It comes in silver, blue, and gray color options. In addition, the laptop houses a 50 Wh battery. The display of the Infinix InBook Y1 Plus also offers an sRGB color gamut of 86 percent, a brightness of 250 cd/m² and has narrow bezels on the sides. According to Infinix, it weighs around 1.76 kg.
Infinix InBook Y1 Plus price, availability
The Infinix InBook Y1 Plus laptop is priced at Rs. 29,990 for 8GB + 256GB storage and Rs. 32,990 for the 8GB + 512GB variant. The laptop will go on sale flip card from February 24th.
The Infinix InBook Y1 is available in three colors – Blue, Gray and Silver.
Infinix InBook Y1 Plus specifications
The Infinix InBook Y1 Plus features a 15.6-inch display with Full HD resolution and narrow bezels on the sides. The display also has a brightness of 250 cd/m² and supports 86% of the sRGB color space. The laptop is powered by an Intel Core i3 processor, 8GB of RAM and up to 512GB of storage. It comes with a 50Wh battery unit with support for 65W fast charging via USB Type-C, which claims to charge 75 percent of the battery in an hour. The battery is said to offer up to 9-10 hours of video playback.
On the audio front, the laptop is equipped with two stereo speakers that produce 2W sound output. The Infinix InBook Y1 Plus also features an AG glass touchpad with support for multi-touch gestures. For connectivity, it has two USB-C ports, two USB 3.0 ports, one HDMI 1.4 port, a dedicated SD card slot, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
The Infinix InBook Y1 Plus includes a 2 megapixel web camera with dual LED fill-in illumination and comes pre-installed with Windows 11 Home. The laptop measures 358.5 x 235.7 x 18.2mm and weighs 1.76kg, according to the company.
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