iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G will launch in India on July 4th and is confirmed to have a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC under the hood. While the Vivo sub-brand hasn’t revealed the price of its new Neo-series smartphone, a leak gives us a new clue. The debut of the iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G was priced at Rs. 35,000. The upcoming model will compete with models like Xiaomi 11T Pro and Realme GT Neo 3. The iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G is said to have a 50-megapixel main camera on the back. Amazon sale is confirmed.
Amazon India has revealed that the phone would cost Rs. 33,999. A tipster had done it before claims that the handset would cost less than Rs. 40,000. Based on the leaked Amazon price, the iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G will compete with others Vivo V27 Pro 5G, Xiaomi 11T ProAnd Realme GT Neo 3that are in the same price range.
Meanwhile tipster Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) tweeted a few specifications of the iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G on Tuesday. According to Brar, the iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G will feature a 6.78-inch Full HD+ OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. It is said to have a triple rear camera consisting of a 50-megapixel primary sensor with optical image stabilization (OIS), an 8-megapixel sensor and a 2-megapixel shooter. It could pack a 5,000mAh battery and iQoo is expected to provide stereo speakers in the upcoming handset.
The iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G will be revealed on July 4th in India. Before the start Amazon And iQoo Are teasing the specifications and design of the smartphone. It is confirmed having a 50-megapixel main camera on the back. It will be offered It comes in Dark Storm and Fearless Flame color options and runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC with 120W fast charging support.
It is believed that the iQoo Neo 7 Pro 5G could be a rebranded version of it iQoo Neo 7 Racing Edition that was announced December last year in China.