Lava Yuva Pro was launched in October last year as a budget offering from the domestic smartphone company. It seems the smartphone now has a successor, Lava Yuva 2 Pro, which is reportedly being sold offline. While Lava hasn’t made any official announcement regarding the launch of the Yuva 2 Pro, the smartphone has been spotted for sale via at least two Instagram pages. Lava Yuva Pro 2 is reportedly selling for Rs. 8,499 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant.
The domestic smartphone manufacturer brought this to the market Lava Yuva Pro in October 2022. This phone came with a price tag of Rs. 7,799 for the sole model with 3GB RAM + 32GB storage.
Now while lava has not yet made an official announcement about a successor to the Lava Yuva Pro, a leak indicates that the Lava Yuva 2 Pro has come onto the market. Twitter user Anvin (@ZionsAnvin) written down At least two Instagram retailers are selling the Lava Yuva 2 Pro for Rs. 8,499.
One of the posts suggests that the smartphone is available in a lone variant with 4 GB of RAM + 64 GB of storage. It can be seen in three possible color options – lavender, white and green. Meanwhile another post Hints with some specifications of the smartphone, which is supposed to offer 3 GB of virtual RAM in addition to 4 GB of RAM. According to the information provided, the Lava Yuva 2 Pro could get a 6.5-inch HD+ display. It is expected to be able to house a 5,000mAh battery and offer USB Type-C charging.
The smartphone is said to be equipped with a MediaTek Helio G37 SoC. The images suggest that the Lava Yuva 2 Pro could get a triple camera unit on the rear, led by a 13-megapixel AI sensor. It could also have a side-mounted fingerprint sensor. The company is yet to announce official specs and pricing of the smartphone.
Last year that was Lava Yuva Pro announced at Rs. 7,799. The smartphone is offered in three color variants – Metallic Black, Metallic Blue and Metallic Gray. It’s also powered by a MediaTek Helio SoC with a triple rear camera unit led by a 13-megapixel primary sensor. Similar to its successor, the smartphone also has a 5,000 mAh battery.