The Poco X5 series has been long-awaited in India since the company’s India head announced the same thing in December last year. The Poco X5 series, which is expected to offer Vanilla and Pro models, was previously spotted on multiple certification sites, including the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) database, which confirms its upcoming release in India. The Poco X5 Pro 5G is expected to launch as the revamped Redmi Note 12 Speed Edition and in that case it would have similar specs. Recently, tipsters leaked the probable launch date and expected Indian prices for the Poco X5 series.
according to a tweet By user Sudipta Debnath (@imsudipta_deb), the Poco X5 Pro 5G is expected to launch in India on February 6th.
In another tweet from tipster Debayan Roy (@Gadgetsdata), he said that the price of the Poco X5 Pro is expected to be between Rs. 21,000 – Rs. 23,000. The tipster added that the model will be available in three configurations – 6GB RAM + 128GB storage, 8GB RAM + 128GB storage, and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage. The predecessor of the Poco X5, Poco X4 Pro 5G was started in February 2022 at Rs. 14,999.
After an earlier one reportthe Poco X5 Pro 5G is expected to launch as a rebrand Redmi Note 12 Pro Speed Edition. If so, the phones have similar specs. The phone is expected to be powered by a Snapdragon 778G SoC coupled with 12GB of RAM. It could pack a 5,000mAh battery with 67W fast charge support.
The X5 Pro is also expected to run MIUI 14 based on Android 13 out of the box and have a 6.67-inch FHD+ 120Hz OLED display. It is also expected to feature a triple rear camera setup with a 108-megapixel main sensor, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide lens and a 2-megapixel macro camera, as well as a 16-megapixel front camera.
an earlier one report indicates that the Poco X5 Pro 5G has been spotted on certification sites such as BIS, NBTC and EEC.