Tecno Pop 7 Pro launched in India after quietly debuting in select African markets earlier this month. The Tecno Pop 7 Pro features a 6.6-inch HD+ IPS display and is powered by a quad-core chipset with up to 6GB of RAM and a maximum storage capacity of 64GB. It comes with a 5,000mAh battery and a 12MP AI dual rear camera setup. The Tecno Pop 7 Pro is available in two colorways and two storage options, starting at Rs. 6,799.
Tecno Pop 7 Pro price, availability
Techno Pop 7 Pro is available in two storage configurations – 4GB RAM + 64GB internal storage priced at Rs. 6,799 and 6GB RAM + 64GB internal storage at Rs. 7,299. The smartphone of techno is offered in two color options – Endless Black and Uyuni Blue.
Tecno Pop 7 Pro Specifications, Features
The dual Nano 4G SIM supported device runs Android 12 based HiOS 11.0. Launched in India, the Tecno Pop 7 Pro features a 6.56-inch HD+ Dot Notch IPS display (1612 x 720) with a 120Hz touch sampling rate and a 20:9 aspect ratio.
The newly launched Tecno smartphone is powered by a MediaTek Helio A22 quad-core chipset. Available in two configurations of 4GB (2GB RAM and 2GB additional MemFusion RAM) and 6GB (3GB RAM and 3GB additional MemFusion RAM), the Tecno Pop 7 Pro also has dedicated expandable storage of up to to 256GB.
In terms of optics, the phone sports a 12MP dual AI camera with dual flashlights on the back and a 5MP AI selfie camera with dual micro slit flashlights housed in a teardrop cutout is.
The Tecno Pop 7 Pro is equipped with a 5000 mAh Li-Polymer-Ion battery and an included 10W Type-C adapter. The phone also supports WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. The smartphone has an accelerometer, ambient light, proximity and e-compass sensors.