Asus ROG Ally will launch in India on July 12, the company announced on Wednesday. According to Asus, the Taiwanese company’s first Windows-based handheld gaming console will go on sale on July 7 in a one-day flash sale on Flipkart. Last week, Asus announced the arrival of the ROG Ally in a Twitter post. The gaming console features a 7-inch Full HD display with a 120Hz refresh rate and is powered by AMD’s recently announced Z1 Extreme APU, paired with 16GB of RAM.
Asus ROG Ally price in India, availability
Asus ROG Ally is priced at Rs. 69,990 in India. The device will launch in India on July 12 and will go on sale on July 7 in a one-day flash sale on Flipkart. The device will be available in India through Asus E-Shop and Flipkart, as well as Asus Exclusive Stores and ROG Stores in the country
The company also announced that the first 200 customers will purchase the Asus ROG Ally after registering for a promotion on the Company websiteget a free ROG Ally case worth Rs. 2,000.
Asus ROG Ally specs, features (expected)
Recently launched in US and global markets, the Asus ROG Ally runs on Windows 11. It is powered by AMD’s Z1 and Z1 Extreme chips with AMD RDNA3 graphics paired with 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM. You get 512GB of NVMe storage to store your games.
This handheld gaming console features a 7-inch Full HD IPS display (1920 x 1080 pixels) with a 120Hz refresh rate, a 7ms response time and a peak brightness of up to 500 nits. The Asus ROG Ally is equipped with ABXY buttons, thumbsticks, a D-Pad, bumpers and analog triggers.
As for connectivity, the Asus ROG Ally supports Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2 and a USB Type-C port. It features a dual speaker setup with Dolby Atmos and an array microphone with AI noise reduction technology. According to the company, the console is powered by a 40Wh battery and supports 65W wired charging.