Overwatch 2’s Battle for Olympus event is now live: Details


The Overwatch 2 Battle for Olympus limited-time event is now live. The latest update heralds the new seasonal mode, introducing a free-for-all deathmatch game featuring seven select heroes reimagined as Greek gods, goddesses and creatures. Blizzard Entertainment previously posted a trailer for the event that teased some of the new godlike abilities that stack on top of your champions’ ultimates. The studio has now shared some patch notes that break down each ability, as well as a global leaderboard that serves to immortalize a hero with a statue in the game. The event is scheduled to run until January 19th.

Repeat, Battle for Olympus is just the default surveillance 2 Deathmatch mode with a fresh coat of Olympic paint. Keep in mind that the new effects are limited to this mode only, and that the quick play and competitive segments continue with the heroes’ normal kits. The seven playable heroes included in the game mode are Junker Queen, Lució, Pharah, Ramattra, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and Widowmaker – all equipped with “divine” ultimates that last longer than the standard heroes and add changes to your regular move set. Additionally, each character is designed and named after an appropriate Greek legend, whose skins can be purchased with coins earned by completing the weekly challenges. Just like previous seasonal events, Battle for Olympus can be accessed by navigating to the Arcade section.

If you’re playing Lúcio, who is reimagined as Hermes – thanks to his speed – his Ultimate Divine Sonic Barrier lasts for 20 seconds, granting him infinite ammo, the ability to jump again after jumping off a wall ride, and a greatly increased Attack stat. and movement speed. Additionally, when his boop action knocks enemies into a wall, they take extra damage and are briefly stunned. Since Overwatch 2 Battle for Olympus is a deathmatch mode, this off-healer’s abilities only benefit it. Meanwhile, the sniper Widowmaker, modeled after the snake-headed Medusa, can turn enemies looking at you to stone when scoped. This, of course, corresponds to the actual Greek gorgon petrifying those who look straight into their eyes. Not to mention, the Ultimate allows for a high-risk, high-reward playstyle, pushing you to trick enemies into noticing your vantage point.

What you get here is essentially a godmode for Overwatch 2, with all of the powers taken straight from Greek mythology. Minotaur Reinhardt’s divine ultimate also lasts 20 seconds and causes him to heal when an enemy is knocked into a wall or charged. He can now pin up to three enemies at once, with Wall Slams dealing extra damage and setting the cooldown on the next charge to just 0.5 seconds, which is incredibly overwhelming. Zeus Junker Queen is equipped with Divine Rampage, where any damage dealt with her Scattergun has a chance to deal additional lightning damage to her abilities. Meanwhile, the new tank, Ramattra, comes equipped with the blessings of the sea god Poseidon, starting with the Ravenous Vortex, a large vortex that sucks in enemies and then hurls them into the air. They can also fire large jets of water that deal heavy damage.

Roadhog only has one eye in this mode as his power is modeled after Cyclops. His 15 second Divine Roadhog ability greatly expands his body, adding 600 health and adding the ability to hurl boulders instead of his normal ultimate fire. His melee attacks, on the other hand, deal five times more damage than normal and knock enemies away with each hit. Finally, there’s Hades Pharah, who is now mobile when performing her rocket fire, making her less open and vulnerable to being stunned or killed during animation. In addition, every kill during the 20 seconds of the divine ultimate ability Pharah heals and extends the duration of the effect.

As mentioned before, the hero with the most eliminations will be forever immortalized with a statue on the Illios Ruins map until the end of the Battle for Olympus event. In addition, Overwatch 2 is now riddled with special challenges that help unlock new themed voiceovers, player titles, and new cosmetics that can be purchased with Overwatch Coins. There’s also a checkpoint-based challenge that unlocks the legendary Winged Victory Mercy skin.

The Overwatch 2 Battle for Olympus event is live now through January 19th personal computer, PS4, PS5, Xbox Oneand Xbox Series S/X.

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