B-Stock’s Summer Teammate Spotlight: Meet Nicole Wen


B-Stock is very excited to welcome Nicole Wen to the corporate development team this summer! As a summer teammate, we know Nicole will be an incredible asset to the company. Nicole is currently studying Business Analytics at UC San Diego. Learn a little more about Nicole below and see her answers to a few questions.

1. What are you most looking forward to learning at B-Stock?

I’m really looking forward to learning more about marketplace operations and the ins and outs of what are the key drivers of business growth, especially at B-Stock!

2. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? (Or still wants to be!)

I wanted and still want to be a librarian (yes, I’m such a nerd!)

3. What piece of advice you were given stuck?

Grain is one of the most useful traits one can have.

4. Where can people find you after work or school?

golf course or badminton or table tennis courts and spending time with my church!

5. What is a hidden talent of yours?

I can read fast (but I’ve never measured WPM)

6. What’s playing in the background while you work (music genre, podcast, news)?

Instrumental music (mostly classical music or film music)

7. Where would you go with unlimited PTO?

The Maritime Provinces of Canada

8. What do you do when you get stuck creatively? How do you get your creativity flowing?

Nature walks/nature documentaries

9. What are you proud of?

In high school, I qualified for the internationals of a business case study competition

10. What would you like to contribute to B-Stock?

I hope to contribute some previously unconsidered thought processes and innovative solutions to current problems.

If you are interested in B-Stock’s internship program, please contact [email protected] or contact us LinkedIn!


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