The highly anticipated action thriller “G20,” featuring Academy Award winner Viola Davis, is set to make its global debut on Prime Video. Scheduled for release on April 10, the film portrays Davis as U.S. President Danielle Sutton, who faces an extraordinary crisis during the annual G20 summit. An unexpected attack transforms the high-profile event into a gripping battle for survival. Sutton must navigate hostile circumstances to protect her loved ones, safeguard global leaders, and defend her country against adversaries.
When and Where to Watch ‘G20′
“G20” will be available on Prime Video across 240 territories starting April 10. This global release is a part of the platform’s continued push for high-impact cinematic experiences, providing viewers worldwide access to the film on the same day.
Official Trailer and Plot of ‘G20′
The official trailer of “G20” highlights the tension and chaos that unfold as President Danielle Sutton evades capture after a surprise attack disrupts the summit. Sutton’s journey intertwines personal and political stakes as she balances her roles as a leader and a mother. With high-octane action sequences and intense character-driven drama, the trailer sets the tone for a narrative that blends suspense with emotional depth.
Cast and Crew of ‘G20′
Viola Davis stars alongside Anthony Anderson as Derek Sutton, Marsai Martin as Serena Sutton, and Christopher Farrar as Demetrius Sutton. The ensemble also includes Ramón Rodríguez as Agent Manny Ruiz, Douglas Hodge as Oliver Everett, and Antony Starr as Rutledge. Directed by Patricia Riggen, the screenplay was crafted by Caitlin Parrish, Erica Weiss, Logan Miller, and Noah Miller, with story contributions from the Millers. The production credits include Andrew Lazar, Viola Davis, and Julius Tennon, under the banners of Amazon MGM Studios, MRC, Mad Chance Productions, and JuVee Productions.
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