Ahead of the trailer’s release, the creators unveiled an intriguing teaser and 11 posters featuring the film’s main characters to introduce us Vidya Balans Character, detective Mira Rao, along with the ten suspects. Abundantia Entertainment shared a series of posters and teasers on Instagram. While the teaser gives us a glimpse into the enigmatic world of the crime thriller, each poster paints an enticing portrait of the characters and creates great anticipation for the trailer, which is expected to be released on June 22nd.
Neeyat features an outstanding ensemble led by Vidya Balan, which includes Ram Kapoor, Rahul Bose, Neeraj Kabi, Shahana Goswami, Amrita Puri, Dipannita Sharma, Niki Walia, Shashank Arora, Prajakta Koli and Danesh Razvi. The film is a suspenseful thriller that follows the story of an unlikely detective (Vidya Balan) who investigates unexplained murders at a billionaire’s party where nothing is as it seems and all the suspects have a secret or two .
The film is directed Anu Menon who most recently directed Vidya Balan in the 2020 smash hit Shakuntala Devi, based on the life and times of the lady known as the human-computer. Anu Menon’s recent directing credits include several episodes of the internationally acclaimed series kill Eve.
Produced by Vikram Malhotra-led Abundantia Entertainment, which also produced Shakuntala Devi, and co-produced by Prime Video, Neeyat hits theaters on July 7 before finally hitting streaming platform Prime Video. In addition to directing, Anu Menon also serves as the film’s writer.
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