The highly anticipated K-drama Newtopia is set to hit screens this February, offering an exciting blend of action, romance, and suspense. Based on the novel Influenza by Han Sangwoon, the series unfolds against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse, blending emotional storytelling with intense survival drama. Directed by Yoon Sunghyun, best known for Time to Hunt, and co-written by Han Jinwon of Parasite fame alongside Ji Hojin, the project has generated significant buzz.
When and Where to Watch Newtopia
The first episode of Newtopia will premiere on Friday, February 7, 2025, at 8:00 PM KST. Episodes will be available on the Coupang Play app for viewers in South Korea. For international audiences, the series will stream on Amazon Prime Video, accessible in over 240 regions globally.
Official Trailer and Plot of Newtopia
The official trailer for Newtopia, released on January 6, 2025, offers a gripping glimpse into the storyline. Opening with Kang Youngjoo, portrayed by Kim Jisoo of BLACKPINK, ending her relationship with Lee Jaeyoon, played by Park Jeongmin, the trailer shifts gears to chaos as a zombie outbreak descends on Seoul. Featuring intense visuals and a haunting remix of Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11, the trailer sets the stage for a heart-pounding narrative.
The series explores the journey of Jaeyoon, a soldier fulfilling his mandatory military service, and Youngjoo, an engineer, as they fight to reunite amidst the devastation. The core question posed by the story is whether love can prevail in a world overrun by the undead.
Cast and Crew of Newtopia
Newtopia features Kim Jisoo and Park Jeongmin in the lead roles, with an ensemble cast including Im Sungjae, Hong Seohee, and Tang Junsang. The show is a collaboration between esteemed creatives, including director Yoon Sunghyun and writers Han Jinwon and Ji Hojin. With its stellar cast and experienced crew, the drama promises to deliver a compelling viewing experience.