The 2023 American thriller Strange Darling, written and directed by JT Mollner, is now available for streaming on Jio Cinema Premium in India. Starring Willa Fitzgerald, Kyle Gallner, Barbara Hershey, and Ed Begley Jr., the film has gained attention for its suspenseful narrative, compelling performances, and gripping twists. Set in rural Oregon, the story follows a one-night stand between two individuals that spirals into a deadly game of survival. Divided into six nonlinear chapters, the film dramatises a pivotal moment in a serial killer’s long spree across the Western United States.
When and Where to Watch Strange Darling
The film, released for streaming on Jio Cinema Premium, provides Indian audiences with the chance to experience this thrilling cinematic piece. Initially premiered at the Fantastic Fest in 2023 and receiving a limited theatrical release in the US on August 23, 2024.
Official Trailer and Plot of Strange Darling
The official trailer of Strange Darling hints at a gripping and chilling storyline, showcasing the tense dynamic between the characters played by Fitzgerald and Gallner. The plot focuses on a woman, nicknamed the Electric Lady, who is revealed to be a prolific serial killer. Her encounter with a man she initially believes to be an ordinary stranger turns into a deadly confrontation when his true identity as a law enforcement officer is exposed. The narrative unfolds with shocking revelations, intense chases, and a chilling exploration of survival instincts.
Cast and Crew of Strange Darling
The film boasts a stellar cast, including Willa Fitzgerald as the Lady and Kyle Gallner as the Demon. Supporting roles are played by Barbara Hershey, Ed Begley Jr. and Bianca Santos. Giovanni Ribisi, in his debut as a cinematographer, shot the film on 35 mm in Oregon, enhancing its gritty, atmospheric tone.
Reception of Strange Darling
While receiving critical acclaim for its direction, writing, and performances, particularly by Fitzgerald and Gallner, the film earned an IMDb rating of 7.1/10., Strange Darling saw its box office earnings reach $4.9 million globally and has been praised for its intricate storytelling and suspenseful sequences, making it a must-watch for thriller enthusiasts.