John Abraham’s upcoming thriller The Diplomat has been scheduled for a theatrical release on March 7, 2025. Directed by filmmaker Shivam Nair, the movie is inspired by true events and revolves around themes of courage and diplomacy. The film’s digital streaming rights have already been secured by Netflix, while the satellite rights are with Sony MAX. Featuring a gripping storyline, the movie is expected to delve into high-stakes negotiations and intense political drama, making it one of the most anticipated releases of the year.
When and Where to Watch The Diplomat
Following its theatrical release on March 7, 2025, The Diplomat will later be available for streaming on Netflix. The information come from the recent first-look poster shared on Instagram. One can see that Netflix is the official partner of the film, which means that the movie will be available on the platform after the theatrical release. That said, the exact release date is yet to be announced.
Official Trailer and Plot of The Diplomat
Although, its trailer is yet to be released, the first-look poster of The Diplomat was shared by John Abraham on social media, where he is seen wearing a formal suit with a distinctive chevron mustache. The tagline on the poster reads, “A true hero needs no weapons.” The film is expected to highlight a high-stakes diplomatic mission, with John portraying a government official navigating a critical situation. More details about the plot will be revealed closer to its release date.
Cast and Crew of The Diplomat
The Diplomat is produced by Bhushan Kumar, John Abraham, Krishan Kumar, Vipul D. Shah, Ashwin Varde, Rajesh Bahl, Sameer Dixit, Jatish Varma, and Rakesh Dang. The film is presented by T-Series, JA Entertainment, and Wakaoo Films, in association with Fortune Films. Co-produced by Shiv Chanana, Minnakshi Das, and Rajat Bedi, the script has been written by Ritesh Shah. Panorama Studios is distributing the film across India.