Keanu Reeves’ courtroom drama The Whole Truth, released in 2016, is set to premiere on OTT platforms in India. The film, which also features Academy Award-winning actress Renée Zellweger, follows a gripping legal battle involving a teenager accused of patricide. Directed by Courtney Hunt, the thriller delves into moral dilemmas, hidden motives, and the complexities of the justice system. Indian audiences can now stream this courtroom drama on Lionsgate Play.
When and Where to Watch The Whole Truth
The film is slated for its Indian OTT debut on November 15, 2024. Lionsgate Play will exclusively stream the movie. Indian audiences can finally explore this layered courtroom thriller, which has remained relatively lesser-known despite its star-studded cast.
Official Trailer and Plot of The Whole Truth
The trailer of The Whole Truth hints at a tense legal drama with psychological undertones. It introduces Richard Ramsay played by Keanu Reeves, a seasoned lawyer, tasked with defending Mike Lassiter played by Gabriel Basso, a teenager charged with his father’s murder. Ramsay is joined by his colleague, Jenelle played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw, who uncovers startling details that could redefine the narrative of guilt and innocence. The evolving dynamics and unexpected revelations promise a thrilling watch.
Cast and Crew of The Whole Truth
The film boasts an impressive cast, including Keanu Reeves as Richard Ramsay and Renée Zellweger as Loretta Lassiter. Gabriel Basso portrays Mike Lassiter, the accused teenager, while Gugu Mbatha-Raw plays Jenelle. Supporting roles are filled by Jim Klock, Sean Bridgers, and Dana Gourrier. Directed by Courtney Hunt, the movie is written by Nicholas Kazan.
Reception of The Whole Truth
The Whole Truth has a mixed reception, holding a modest IMDb rating of 6.2. The film earned recognition for its performances but faced criticism for its predictable storyline. Despite its limited commercial success, it remains a noteworthy addition to Reeves’ filmography.