WhatsApp has started giving some beta testers the ability to share a larger number of image files in one chat at once. Meta’s messaging service has also been spotted working on an update to allow sharing of high quality images via chat or photos to keep their original quality. The company was previously reported to be working on a similar update for its Android and iOS apps, and according to a report, it is now reportedly working on the same for its desktop version as well.
Feature tracker WABetaInfo reports that the company is rolling out WhatsApp beta version for iOS, which some testers can use to share up to 100 media files at a time. The app used to allow users to share up to 30 media files at once in one chat.
The increased number of file sharing features are now available for some Whatsapp Beta testers, and the platform expects to release it to other users soon. The post adds that some users might get this ability after updating to version or
In another report, the app development tracker claims that WhatsApp is also working on allowing users to send photos “in their original quality” on the desktop version of the app. It used to be reported that the company was working on the same feature for its iOS and Android apps.
WhatsApp currently compresses images sent in chats to save disk space and bandwidth. Images sent via WhatsApp lose quality and detail. Because of this, users prefer to send images in document format to keep the original quality. However, the format does not provide a preview.
Unlike the ability to send a hundred images at once, the ability to send images without compression or quality degradation is still under development and not currently available for testing, according to WABetaInfo. However, the post shared a preview of the said feature.
By tapping a gear icon in the drawing tool header, users can send a high-quality image. They can choose the resolution of the photos they want to send using this method. Aside from the original quality setting, according to the feature tracker, users can also choose from automatic, best quality, and data saving options.