Avangarda Marketing offers 1 year free service to 10 advertisers in 2023


Awangarda Marketing provides advertisers with performance-based online marketing solutions for lead generation, direct selling, branding and awareness campaigns, and does not charge any commission fees or 10-customer fees for 1 year.

London – Awangarda Marketing provides performance-based online marketing solutions for brands and has announced that it will not charge commission fees or 10 advertiser fees throughout 2023. The marketing agency focuses on the digital success of small and medium-sized businesses and is waiting to welcome their new clients who want to drive quality traffic to their website and make the most of their marketing investments.

Cyryl Angelos, Marketing Account Supervisor at Avangarda, says: “We want to contribute to the success of small businesses.

Poland-based digital marketing agency, Awangarda Marketing offers services for both publishers and advertisers as an agency specializing in lead generation, UX&UI, digital marketing and consulting. The agency offers publishers performance-based online marketing solutions and supports advertisers in lead generation, direct sales, branding and awareness campaigns.

Awangarda Marketing has maximized the success of email marketing and affiliate campaigns thanks to its wide email marketing network of more than 100 affiliates, providing content marketing, native advertising, social media visibility and SEO/SEM services etc. on. And thanks to its proprietary database, there is an open rate of over 90% in SMS marketing.

Angelos points out that they use technology like chatbots for brands that want to increase sales, reach potential customers more easily and improve the customer experience, adding: “We also offer telemarketing solutions for small and medium-sized businesses that increase their sales efficiency want to increase.”

With a team of 11 marketing professionals, Awangarda Marketing is active on more than 20 advertising platforms to position itself as a global 360 degree service provider for brands, advertising agencies, direct marketers and publishers. The agency also offers photography, video production and content creation services and offers high-performance campaigns on a CPM, CPL, CPA, Revshare and Monthly Retainer basis.

Angelos says: “We will offer free services to 10 exclusive advertisers or publishers in 2023. Avangarda Marketing values ​​’quality over quantity’ and considers our clients’ digital projects.”

You can click here for more information about Avangarda Marketing.


Cyryl Angelo, Account Supervisor



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