Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness alumni share vacation memories


CLAYTON, GA December 10, 2022 /24-7press release/ — Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness recognizes that the holiday season is a difficult time to enroll a loved one in wilderness therapy. At a time when family is the focus, having a child far from home can create difficult emotions for families celebrating at home.

Michele, parent of Blue Ridge Alumni, shares her experiences surrounding the holiday season last year: “My son spent Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s in the woods two years ago. It was difficult not having him at home, but I knew it would have been difficult to have him at home this year. I just said to myself that we could give up one Christmas without him to have many happy ones in the future.

Blue Ridge’s mission during the holidays—and throughout the year—is to provide individuals and families with the tools and resources they need to make meaningful connections, maintain healthy relationships, and act in alignment with their personal values. The skills taught in Blue Ridge are designed to empower students to work with loved ones to lay the foundation for a renewed, thriving family system.

Although this work can be especially challenging during the holiday season, the holidays can also provide students with meaningful opportunities to reflect, experience authentic connections with their peers, and learn how to find gratitude during emotionally challenging times.

Michele continues: “My son still tells the stories of playing football, having amazing dinners and having a snowball fight on Christmas morning. But don’t worry, the snow came and went just as quickly… To the parents whose children are in the woods Please know that this year they will always remember the year they took the vacation to Blue Ridge … you have this … and it’s worth it. Last year’s holidays were so much sweeter with him at home and healthy! “

For students partying away from home, the Blue Ridge staff understands the importance of bringing joy to the woods and creating special moments. Alumni student Samantha visited Blue Ridge from December 21 to March 22. She describes what it was like to celebrate Christmas on the field:

“I remember feeling a little sad that I wasn’t home, but to be honest, Christmas in Blue Ridge is one of my favorites. When we woke up there was a small gift in our boots from a staff member who couldn’t make it onto the field that week. When we got to camp, a string of “stockings” was tied to it by our therapist and there was this little baby pine tree in the middle of camp that the staff decorated with battery lights and little gifts underneath.”

Samantha continues, “I don’t remember much about the day other than having so much fun cooking this whole special meal as a group — we all cooked, did water and kept the fire going… I remember.” that we were all sitting around a handcrafted cowboy pit and laughing, singing Christmas carols and eating a wonderful meal and opening our parents’ presents. There were many tears – both sad not to be home and happy and grateful for the great day and the effort of our staff to make it a good day for us. It’s a Christmas I’ll always remember.”

Located in the mountains of North Georgia and western North Carolina, Blue Ridge’s licensed treatment program offers sophisticated clinical treatment in an immersive wilderness model. Fundamental transformation for families occurs through the application of individualized clinical treatment along with intensive family-centered support and whole-body health and well-being. To learn more about Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness, visit or call the admissions line at (888) 914-1050.

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