CRO Cyber ​​​​Rights Organization offers legal and technical assistance to victims of cybercrime: “We are the youngest and strongest team of experts in Europe”


Based in The Hague, The Netherlands, CRO Cyber ​​Rights Organization provides victims with legal and technical support Gender-based Violence on the Internet, such as non-consensual sharing of intimate images, doxing, sextortion, but also cyberstalking, digital identity breaches, GDPR violations, financial fraud and online human trafficking. But there is also internal advocacy, data analysis of experienced online violence, sustainable communication and training for companies and professionals. All to create an authoritative international hotspot in its defense cyber rights and protect cyber peace within modern societies. The organization is led by an international, multicultural team of young researchers, academics, lawyers and experts in the field of criminal law, information technology and cyber intelligence specialists.

At the top is the youngest and most dynamic international team in Europe. The director of the CRO Annachiara Sarto24 years old, educated in United Nations circles; and the Head of Research and Advocacy, Silvia Semenz31 years old, postdoctoral fellow at the Complutense University of Madrid and digital rights activist, has already started the process of European integration of the most formidable international organization specialized in cyber rights – the human rights of the internet.
They exist together with Annachiara Sarto and Silvia Semenzin callCEOs of Andrea Baggio and Juan Ricardo Palacio: determined master minds of the CRO Cyber ​​​​Crime Organization, specialized in the technological application of artificial intelligence for international cyber security.

“We helped along the way legally and technicallymany victims of cybercrime,” explains director Annachiara Sarto, “devastated girls who saw their privacy deterred by just a click.” But now things have changed. For the first time in history, an international organization was born to protect a mix of forces in the field Cyber ​​Civil Rights and to ensure international cyber peace between individuals and the digital modern age. A joint venture that, on the one hand, sees private companies specializing in the use of certain Artificial intelligence Tools applied to cybersecurity – it is the case with callCybersecurity expertise – and on the other hand young activists, researchers, lawyers specializing in international law and criminal law, coming from many different countries and fully committed to the fight against any kind of cybercrime that can affect fundamental human rights on the internet.

“It currently takes more than one hundred days to remove intimate content that violates the dignity of a human being,” explains Master Mind Andrea Baggio“without adding that the legal framework for intervening in these cases changes from country to country and takes time to secure the digital life of a cybercrime survivor. With the CRO Cyber ​​Rights Organization, that will no longer be the case.” Silvia SemenzHead of Research and Advocacy at the CRO Cyber ​​Rights Organization, explains: “Privacy violations, image-based sexual abuse, Online misogyny and platform hate are investing and constantly influencing people’s daily lives”.

Therefore, the CRO Cyber ​​​​Rights Organization can offer the following solutions: collect reporting dataprocess it in-house through CROs study centerConducting social media surveys, conducting advocacy campaigns, conducting strategic litigation, and ensuring victims of online violence have technical and legal support and Removal of harmful content from the web.


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