Introducing: The Top 50 Wedding Photos of 2023


Introducing: The Top 50 Wedding Photos of 2023

Nearly 10,000 images from photographers around the world were submitted to Junebug Weddings’ 2023 Best of the Best Wedding Photography Contest. On December 13th, 2023 Junebug debuted the top 50 to reveal a collection of the best wedding photos taken within the last year.

Since 2008, Junebug Weddings has been hosting annual wedding photography contests to curate image collections that best represent the year’s achievements in artistry, technical skill, and emotional impact. Past collections have been featured on Huffington Post, Daily Mail, BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan, and more.

This year’s celebratory contest brought in nearly 10,000 image submissions from photographers around the globe eager to share and celebrate the love stories they captured over the past year. Wedding photographers Henry Teiu, Brittany Boote, and Mic Panic assisted the Junebug Weddings team in judging the contest, building a collection of 50 images that showcase diversity through photography style, sexuality, race, and geography.

Winning a Junebug Weddings photography contest is one of the highest honors a wedding photographer can receive. It can jumpstart a photographer’s career, build credibility in the industry, and connect winner’s to new and exciting opportunities.

Wedding photographer Gabe McClintock had this to say about Junebug’s photo contests: “I have seen a lot of changes and trends in my 18 years of shooting weddings, but the one constant that remains in this industry is its ability to reach new levels of inspiration and beauty every single year. For me, Junebug Weddings “Best of the Best” image contests push those levels higher and higher each time.”

The next contest that Junebug Weddings will host is its annual Best of the Best Engagement Photography contest, which opens in the spring.

About Junebug Weddings: Junebug Weddings is an international wedding publication that connects couples with resources needed to bring their love stories to life. As a leader in the wedding industry, Junebug curates these image collections to celebrate the artistry of wedding photography. In addition to its Best of the Best Wedding Photo Contest, Junebug hosts their Best of the Best Engagement Photography Contest every spring. You can view Junebug’s past contest winners here.


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