Massive! 6 UFOs (not 1) Landed at the UK’s Roswell – Rendlesham in 1980


The Rendlesham Forest UFO incident of 1980 occurred near RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, England, and is often referred to as “Britain’s Roswell.” Over several nights in late December, military personnel reported seeing strange lights and a triangular-shaped craft in the forest. One witness, in particular, claimed to have encountered a landed craft, which emitted a mysterious light. The incident was officially documented by the U.S. Air Force, but no conclusive explanation was provided.
Lee has had access to extensive records on the Rendlesham case at the Great British UFO Learning Centre run by ex CID police detective John Hanson. These have been used as the basis for his new film – The Rendlesham UFO – The British Roswell.
Lee states:
“I have found a detailed and annotated sketch made by one of the first investigators of this case – Peter Parish. He made this sketch for the Deputy base Commander Colonel Halt and I’m not aware that this has been made public. It states that there were AT LEAST 6 craft that landed and as well as the military witnesses – one of these craft was seen landing by the Territorial Army who were camping nearby. They said that were it landed the sand turned to glass! A dog walker was said to have seen men in silver suits covering up a silver object a the impact site!.”
From the annotations you can see that there was a main craft which landed and a recovery team was sent in. They had to clear trees to get to it where a helicopter with winch carried it out of the forest and to the Woodbridge base where it was said to have been returned to Germany.
Lee adds:
“If this version of events that 1980 weekend is correct then what we are looking at is the US military in conjunction the UK testing a new advanced craft on it’s own base and servicemen. What was seen here was super advanced physics in a top secret craft, possibly developed locally at the Orford Ness secret research base just a few miles away.”
The late UFO researcher and author Georgina Bruni was told in a conversation with the Prime Minister at the time Margaret Thatcher that it (Rendlesham) wasn’t UFOs, but that – ‘You Can’t tell the people’ maybe she was alluding to a weapons programme that was so secret and so advanced that the public must never know about it?
Lee adds:
“I used to think and believe that the Rendlesham case was our best evidence of an extra terrestrial craft landing but the more I have investigated it the more I think that the truth is that the UK government was working alongside its NATO ally the US to develop new weapons using advanced theoretical physics. As Prof Simon Holland (ex BBC science editor and NASA film-maker) has told me ever since the Manhattan project governments and their military have wanted to weaponise physics and I really think this is what was seen at Rendlesham. It also accounts for all the health issues that the servicemen involved had since then and how eventually the US military has admitted liability and awarded them disability payments. This why Thatcher said – You can’t tell the people.”
See the trailer for the film here:


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