New book cites scientists and offers better news for the California earthquake


Los Angeles, California, January 8, 2023 /24-7press release/ — Scientists see crescendo in seismic activity and with San Andreas fault 80 years overdue; They say disaster can come at any time.

dr Richard Ruhling, current events author and expert on Bible prophecy, says that the biblical end times will begin with a megaquake that will shake our world when Muslims take Jerusalem, as the final chapters of Joel and Zechariah show. Turkey’s President Erdogan has called on 57 Muslim nations to do so – but better news – the Bible suggests when.

Judgment fell on Egypt, on Christ, and on Jerusalem at the Passover in AD 70, when Titus began his siege and the apostle Paul cited the Exodus as an example in the 10th chapter of 1 Corinthians of the end times and the holy days as Passover said are a shadow of the future, says Ruhling.

Ruhling predicted a war with Iraq before 9/11 based on “the vision at the time of the end” in Daniel 8. It shows a conflict with ram horns representing Media and Persia, but these areas are now Iraq and the Iran. One reason the Bible is a bestseller is its accurate record of prophecy, says Ruhling.

He thinks that pastors are too focused on a smooth Sunday sermon and that they are overlooking four ways an earthquake is coded in Revelation, suggesting it will be a larger event than previously seen. The ancient Church of Laodicea was materialistic and ended with a “knocking” that most evangelicals believe to be the gentle Jesus who is always knocking on our hearts to be a part of everything we do, but the knocking is for them too Marriage in Luke chapter 12 where Christ says to sell what we must be ready to sell.

This would be especially good for those who live in cities, because we might expect that martial law would then be like “one is taken, the other left behind,” as Christ warned at the end of Luke’s 17th chapter, what was completely overlooked in the fiction “Left Behind” series.

For more information, readers can obtain a copy of MegaQuake 2023: How 3 Timelines and 7 Events Signal End-Times, available for $2.99 ​​on Kindle, free on Tuesday, or $7.95 in softcover on Amazon.

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