New Book Shares Useful Strategies For Navigating Early Career


Communications consultant and mentor Rosie Duncan publishes a new book designed to function as an in-your-pocket mentor, guiding people in the early stages of their careers – The Early Career Book. The title is a self-questioning and snappy ten-part guide that encourages the reader to check in attitudinally, emotionally and practically as they’re starting out their professional journey.

The early part of working life is full of questions and learning curves. People have to work out what type of work will suit them best, navigate how their company works, do well at their job and deal with difficult people and tough times. Sometimes this may feel very overwhelming especially if they’re lacking the support they need.

Rosie Duncan says: “We are taught many things at school, but how to deal with the politics and emotional aspects of working life is not one of them. There are, without a doubt, going to be hiccups along the way – you won’t get on with everyone, you will be rejected at some point, you will make mistakes and you will have to motivate yourselves on days where you’d rather stay in bed. That’s why I wrote this book – to share what I’ve learnt along the way.”

The Early Career Book helps the reader with important decision-making processes and guides them through big choices that will need to be made. The author gives suggestions as to how to develop one’s values, create a plan, work towards a promotion and how to handle rejection and confrontation along the way. Duncan explores boundary setting, when it might be right to move jobs, and how to use all of this for continuous self-improvement, both personally and professionally.

Steve Hatch, Chief Executive Officer, You Gov, says: This is the book I wish I’d been given on my first day at work. A brilliant balance of wisdom, practical actions, and inspiration.”

Rosie Duncan is an award–winning communications consultant, author and mentor who specialises in mental health. In her 15-year career, she has flourished, failed and had to re-focus, and now imparts her experience in the hope that it will help others along their way.


Notes to editors

  • The Early Career Book is published on 22 February 2024 by LID Publishing, available as a paperback and e-book.
  • For all media requests, please contact Teya Ucherdzhieva (E:; M: +44 (0) 7928 666 131)
  • For more information about Rosie Duncan, please visit her website or LinkedIn
  • For more information about LID Publishing, please visit


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