New podcast series from prominent international businessman Robert Kubbernus


Renowned entrepreneur and businessman Robert Kuebbernus has launched its own podcast for business advice and tips, which is freely available to all SoundCloud.

Robert Kubbernus is an international businessman and entrepreneur currently based in Europe with business interests stretching back to his home country of Canada and London. He has over 30 years of experience founding, leading and growing global companies.

This gives Robert a wealth of experiences and stories to share and of course everyone these days has embraced Podcasts as the new digital medium of choice to share their thoughts and experiences.

Robert Kubbernus said exclusively: “I’m excited about this new venture but obviously concerned about the value of the program to business owners facing challenges. This is a whole new approach for me, so I’m confident there will be value in sharing my tips, tricks, and traps. A good company should always be looking for new ways to engage, and this is the perfect opportunity for me to find out exactly how a podcast can grow and develop your audience.’

Due to Robert Kubbernus’ busy schedule leading several international projects, the podcast will feature paid speakers each month who will present his latest blogs.

Robert adds, “I look forward to working with my podcast language partners to deliver the best possible content and programming.”

bookmark for him SoundCloud or Anchor FM Website to hear the new issues as soon as they are released!


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