Stress Management for Educators – 7 Stress Relief Tips by Dr. Sylvia Lafair, author of the bestselling book Invisible Stress.


WILMINGTON, N.C. December 17, 2022 /24-7press release/ — dr Sylvia Lafair, author of the bestselling book Invisible Stress, understands the impact stress has on educators and has developed a number of cutting-edge resources that can help anyone in education manage stress. In a recent blog post, she addressed the challenges educators face as the world changes. In this article she explained:

– In a 2022 study of over 4,000 teachers, (81%) said their overall workload has increased. Additionally, more than half (55%) of teachers said they have less planning time due to staff shortages and other factors. Stress management programs for executives are in demand now more than ever. The combination of extra work and fewer resources has resulted in unprecedented teacher stress, which has led to increased teacher burnout.

Something must be done to change the system or no one will be left to help our children grow and become the best they can be.

– Stress at work leads to burnout and layoffs. As a result of workplace stress, the education sector has lost educators to burnout, leading to teacher shortages. There is also a lack of substitute teachers.

– Stress management programs for educators are the starting point for positive change. There are no easy answers for those who care, and educators care. You hold the future in your hands and receive minimal recognition.

– If you’re a classroom teacher feeling the pressure of your job, we can help you identify the signs of teacher burnout so you can work to ensure it doesn’t continue to impact your life.

The full text of the article, including 7 tips to help educators reduce stress, is available on the CEOptions website at

When asked about stress at work in general, Lafair replied, “The key question to ask yourself these days is, ‘Would you like to have less stress and more confidence in managing your career and personal life?’ The fastest way to communicate and collaborate effectively is to learn unique ways to manage stress. We need to treat our emotions the same way we treat our bodies.”

dr Sylvia Lafair is an expert on stress at work. Over the past few decades, she has worked with dozens of salon owners, their executives and creative teams across the country. Her new book and online program were developed on demand to find the most effective ways to navigate and land on our feet in our complex, ever-changing world. Part of her bestselling book, Invisible Stress, is now available as a free PDF download from her website at She also moderates a stress management Facebook group on stress management

Lafair believes we must learn to practice safe stress. Invisible Stress shows readers how to:

• Discuss the fourth level, invisible stress, with information not previously available.
• Acquire state-of-the-art methods to combat the causes of overwork and self-doubt.
• Learn powerful yet simple ways to make stress work for you.
• Collect tips to build confidence and resilience during difficult times.
• Learn how to adopt healthy daily behaviors to stay in the safe stress zone.
• Examine coping mechanisms to cope with today’s accelerated change.
• Master new leadership skills for less stress and a more harmonious life.

Readers and reviewers alike have praised Invisible Stress. Andy Heppelle, Chief Magic Maker, Accelerated Sustainability, Capgemini said, “New opportunities are unlocked when you understand the true cause of stress beneath the obvious.” Brenda Thompson, Executive Director, Gadsden, Schneider and Woodward, LLP, comments: ‘It’s a key part of HR’s role to guide people to gain the clarity that this book provides about managing stress.’ Mark Baylis, Founder of Valor Clinic, US Army Special Forces (retired), said it “…should be required reading for the military.” Joanne LaMarca Mathisen, former television producer NBC Today, New York, said, “Invisible stress got me accompanied for decades. When I understood that it was always with me and I carried it around like two dumbbells on my shoulders, I learned to make the right changes. I’m calmer now and even better, more energetic.”

Author Sylvia Lafair is CEO of Creative Energy Options Inc. (CEOinc), a firm that challenges the status quo of workplace relationships. A pioneer in leadership education and leadership coaching, her work has transformed individuals, teams and entire organizations.

For the last 30 years she has searched for hidden emotional mechanisms at work in a typical office environment. The desire was to find out why people react the way they do with traditional communication skills. This overlooked miscommunication is at the heart of office politics, absenteeism, lawsuits and low productivity. This knowledge leads to meaningful changes for individuals and companies. The company’s Pattern Breakthrough process, not found in any other coaching or program, allows them to prepare clients to overcome business frustrations into greater productivity. The company continues to win awards for Pattern Breakthrough Coaching and Total Leadership Connections.

CEOptions offers several books written by Sylvia covering patterns of success, leadership, diversity, communication, collaboration, creativity and many other topics. There is an online seminar series and advanced programs for stress literacy, women leaders and leaders. Information about all the tools and solutions offered by CEOptions can be found on the website

Lafair is an innovative thought leader who has worked with McGraw-Hill, Avon, Google, Lockheed Martin, Merck, Microsoft, Novartis and many other globally recognized companies. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Time, Huffington Post and Fortune.

Sylvia Lafair, a dedicated storyteller, is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at [email protected]. All of her books are available in bookstores worldwide. For more information, visit the company’s website at

About Sylvia Lafair:

Sylvia Lafair broke new ground in her search for the best ways to collaborate effectively. She traveled all over the world and learned from different cultures. She has taken groups hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, bungee jumping in New Zealand, eating invisible stew in the Amazon and sleeping on reindeer skins at the Ice Hotel in Sweden. If she sits long enough, she writes, coaches and leads seminars. Sylvia is the award-winning author of Don’t Bring It To Work, GUTSY: How Women Leaders Make Change, and UNIQUE: How Story Sparks Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement.

Sylvia has been recognized by NEPA Business Journal and the National Association of Women Business Owners as one of the Top 25 Women in Business for her mentoring to help women steer clear of favors and become truth tellers. For the past decade, she has been a Top 30 Global Leadership Guru, a Top 50 Leadership Influencer for 2022, and a Top 200 Global Thought Leader for 2022. She is the leading global authority on Pattern Breakthrough Leadership Development, a Top Global Leadership Guru, the developer of the best-selling executive stress management program and a best-selling author.

dr Lafair provides a foundation for personal and professional inquiry in every program, book, and speech she delivers. Her award-winning book, Don’t Bring It to Work, is among the top 9 books every boss should read. Sylvia has retooled her skills as a well-known psychologist to research and record how family patterns manifest themselves at work. She prepares leaders and teams to find the sweet spot of collaboration and productivity and to make work a place of learning with less stress.

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