In this youth baseball league, fans who abuse umpires are sentenced to do the work themselves


DEPTFORD, NJ – Back in Mudville, as the mighty Casey launched his attack, unnoticed, there was a muffled roar of ‘Kill him!’ Kill the umpire!’ shouted someone on the witness stand.

Even in 1888, long before there were pitch clocks, $17 beers and instant replay, it was a common thread for fans Baseball’s most epic poem was how much they loved threatening referees.

These days, some 135 years after writer Ernest Lawrence Thayer’s famous verse, a Little League in New Jersey is taking a hands-on approach. His target: those who watch 10- and 11-year-olds play baseball and berate the volunteers behind the plate.

Do you want some of this? they say. Then come and get some. At Deptford, the slogan sign for referee recruitment might as well be: If you can’t berate them, join them.


The April Facebook post hardly seemed like national news to league president Don Bozzuffi at the time. He had lost patience when two referees resigned after continuing to berate the spectators. So he wrote an updated code of conduct.

It said: Any spectator found to be in violation will be banned from the complex until three refereeing sessions have been completed. Otherwise, the person would be banned from any youth sports facilities in Deptford for a year.

To put it in the ‘rated’ category (as opposed to the ones where you have to kick one out), the mandate just wants helicopter parents to calm down quite a bit. No 9-year-old will remember initially being safe or playing a bang-bang game as an adult. But how deep would it be to watch dad get kicked out of the game and banned for bad behavior?

The league doesn’t want to know. “So far it’s working as I hoped it would and it’s just been a deterrent,” said 68-year-old Bozzuffi.

The problem isn’t just limited to Deptford and his handful of unruly parents, however.

Outbreaks of misconduct at youth sporting events have had frightening consequences for officials at all youth levels. Pick a city, any city, and there are adults attacking referees or chasing referees parking spaces looking for a fight, all available on the social feed of your choice.

The videos surface almost weekly: silly instances of aggressive behavior toward officers. Like in January when a basketball umpire was in Florida punched in the face after a game. Or last month when a young baseball coach was angry stormed a baseball field in Alabama and wrestled a referee to the ground. Other adults and children tried to interrupt the hand-to-hand combat that was taking place during a game – a tournament for under-11s.

Jim McDevitt has been a volunteer referee at Deptford for 20 years. But he turns 66 this month and won’t be playing much longer. He wonders where the next generation of civil servants will come from, especially when the job description is low pay and lots of crap.

Youth Welfare is announced crisis. According to a survey by National Federation of Sports OfficialsAlmost 17,500 referees surveyed said parents were the biggest cause of problems with athletic performance at 39%. Coaches came in at 29% and fans at 18%.

Barry Mano founded the club four decades ago Juvenile Officer Advocate. Mano, whose brother Mark was an NBA umpire, has seen fan behavior get “far worse” than he could have imagined.

“Sport is simply life with the volume turned up,” says Mano. “We’ve gotten louder and bolder. We always want a second opinion on things. That’s where the culture has gone. I don’t think we’re as polite to each other as we used to be, and it shows in the sports venues.”


Things appear to be working at Deptford – at least in terms of recruiting non-mandatory referees. Bozzuffi says three umpires have joined the league since his rule made national headlines. More volunteers want to be trained.

And who could be sentenced to be the referee? McDevitt puts it less carefully. “We’ll see how their sphincters feel when they have to make a tight decision and the parents are all yelling and yelling at them.”

The Deptford Little League playoffs, a time when tensions are mounting, are underway and Bozzuffi has urged his umpires to exercise restraint. Bozzuffi, who has been league president for 14 years and has been associated with the league for 40 years, doesn’t want a fan to be kicked out. He just wants to make you think.

Because in a culture where violence plagues schools, churches, movie theaters, clubs, and many social gathering places, the angry fan who presses against the fence and spits out four-letter tirades at the referee could easily escalate.

“People are just a little bit more sensitive to it,” said Sherrie Spencer, a lifelong resident of Deptford who had two sons and grandchildren playing. She has noticed an increase in offensive language directed at referees over the years. “Now,” she says, “things are happening in our world that people fear even more when they see someone get so upset.”

Part of the problem lies in this: Thanks to technological advances, perfection in baseball sometimes seems more attainable than ever.

In the big leagues computers and their precision have become an important part of the fabric of baseball. Gone are the days when a manager like Billy Martin or Earl Weaver would storm out of the dugout and kick up a cloud of dirt, curse a blue streak and maybe even Walk away with a base or throw one because of a missed call to the outfield.

now suck? Barely responding, the manager requests a replay of the game while a command center makes the sober final call. Oh and Robo Umps come. In the minor leagues, they’re already calling the shots, with computer-controlled strike zones leaving no room for debate. Where’s the disorder, the fallibility, the human emotion rooted in baseball tradition? Where’s the fun in baseball in refereeing perfection?

Some parents don’t see it that way. For many, everyone is “safe!” When the tag is missed, every called shot on a below-the-knee pitch is another reason to blow a fuse in a youth sports culture teeming with youth hefty fees and travel teams, which have already been reinforced financial and emotional bond and made parents feel like voters with a right to be respected.

So Deptford is experimenting with his attempt at preventative medicine. This prohibits the parents before the children grow older. At its core, this is potential attack prevention.

It’s garnering attention throughout the youth baseball chain. Little League President Stephen D. Keener said: “We applaud the Deptford Township Little League Volunteers for coming up with a creative and fun solution to highlight the importance of bringing everyone inside and outside the Treat Little League with respect.” Field.”


OK. But here’s the fine print.

Aside from the headlines suggesting angry dad #1 gets the call from the stands and suddenly starts calling strike three, there’s this: It’s too much trouble. The risks! The possible security problems! The insurance!

Bozzuffi and the city’s mayor teach a three-hour security certification course that every offender must complete before being given a job. Rookie umps must pass a background check and complete an online concussion course. After all this, a qualified umpire would be stationed alongside the reserve umpire to ensure accuracy and fairness.

It hasn’t happened yet.

“The first person we have to do this to, nobody else is going to question it,” Bozzuffi said. “Nobody wants to go through all that.”

For the time being, at least on a weekday in Deptford, parents, grandparents and friends were on their best behavior. They cheered. They clapped. They caught up with neighbors.

They also scolded a bit. While other Little League officials across America turned to Bozzuffi to involve him in their own politics, some fans in Deptford are tired of the idea that this is a town full of baseball brawlers.

One fan declined an interview request because he “didn’t want to hear more about how miserable we all are.” Mom Dawn Nacke felt it was unfair that the town was labeled “obnoxious parents when we’re just taking care of our kids.” . ”

“We know they play for free,” she said, “but sometimes bad decisions are made that cost us the game.”

Has she ever been guilty of withdrawing too much?

“Muthig, yes. But because of the new regulation, we all have to bite our tongues here,” she said. “I just have to shut up more. Scared me right away. I’m even more angry that they call us obnoxious parents. This really pissed me off when I read it on the news. But that is her rule and I will follow it.”

Exactly how Deptford designed it.


Follow Philadelphia-based AP sportswriter Dan Gelston on Twitter at

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