No light without dark : making the most of ‘shadow IT’


In the last few decades, technology has created a modern digital workforce that is technically skilled and adept at finding innovative solutions that would help them succeed at work. However, with 95% of employees struggling with digital friction in the workplace – including a lack of access to the right tools – ambitious employees who are hungry for results have often needed to explore fixes outside the scope of existing systems provided by their employers.

On top of that, the popularity of cloud-based apps has resulted in business processes often ending up fragmented across various systems, requiring workers to devote time to manual maintenance. This has accelerated the spread of (the unnecessarily ominous sounding) ‘shadow IT’, or applications that savvy workers use without official authorization to help them bypass limitations and get work done. In a perfect world, a balance can be struck between giving these technically skilled workers freedom to integrate and optimize processes while ensuring IT remains in charge of technology at the architectural level.


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