The big Siri Apple Intelligence delay proves that maybe we really don’t know Apple at all


Most quotes about disappointment focus on the bright side: “Disappointment is a detour on the road to success,” said Zig Ziglar. Maybe he’s right but when the disappointment leads to an immutable fact or harsh realization, there may be no coming back from it. The Siri Intelligence delay and subsequent fallout is that kind of disappointment and became a wake-up call of sorts as everyone is reassessing their Apple point of view.

I’m sure by now many of you have read the various analyses and excoriations of Apple’s failure to deliver on its Apple Intelligence and Siri promises. My favorite, by far, is Daring Fireball’s epic “Something Is Rotten in the State of Cupertino” exploration of what went wrong and how “Apple pitched a story that wasn’t true.”


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