The real battle for generative AI in software


When it comes to technology, we often credit the companies creating the tech as those driving disruption. But the real power behind big innovations? The consumer. Just like the rise of mobile tech was fueled by everyday users, the explosion of generative AI can be traced back to the consumers who actually use it. The presence of Gen AI in B2B started when people asked, “why can’t I have that at work?” In many cases, Gen AI took off in the workplace because it took off at home. When OpenAI released ChatGPT, it wasn’t just a shiny, new gimmick – it was a game-changer that sparked a wave of consumer interest, and one which quickly caught the attention of businesses everywhere. And while many companies have been working in the Gen AI space for years, the push from B2C really accelerated this technology in the B2B space.

What makes Gen AI so appealing is that it’s something people can easily understand and use. And it’s amazing. Gen AI has captured the imaginations of consumers and businesses alike. As tech giants like OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft look to weave Gen AI into their products, the real fight isn’t just about who can build the most advanced AI, but who can keep up with the growing consumer demand.


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