Malawi: Child trafficking and forced labor drive thousands to work on tobacco farms


“Despite the abolition of the rental system, serious concerns about the risks of child trafficking and forced labor remain,” the experts said said.

“Countries where tobacco companies are headquartered need to step up their efforts to prevent human trafficking for child and forced labor.”

To this end, the experts have engaged in dialogue with some of the key companies in Malawi’s tobacco industry, including British American Tobacco, Imperial, Philip Morris International and the Japan Tobacco Group, following reports of human rights violations within the sector.

The reported cases affect over 7,000 adults and 3,000 children‘ said the experts.

Hidden Children

Tobacco farms are typically located in remote areas, which limits access to assistance, defense against labor rights violations, and protection against human trafficking.

The isolation of the farms is also a barrier for children to access education and schools, the UN experts said.

In the wake of COVID-19more than 400,000 students are said not to have returned to school.

“A large number of children working on tobacco farms are still out of school and have not returned to school after the pandemic,” the experts said.

They stressed that efforts by the government and some tobacco companies – such as school feeding programs and bursaries – are not enough.

invisible women

The UN experts also highlighted discrimination against women in rural areas, which has led to men being sole heads of households – increasing women’s risk of exploitation and abuse.

“Women’s work remains invisible,” they complained.

The experts urged increased monitoring, enforcement and corporate accountability to prevent human rights violations and ensure codes of conduct are effectively implemented.

Workers’ organizations, civil society and trade unions play an extremely important role in protecting workers’ rights and preventing human trafficking for forced and child labor, they stressed.

“Further partnerships with and support for civil society and the National Human Rights Commission, as well as ensuring civic space will be crucial,” the UN experts said, underlining that “enhanced transparency, reporting and human rights due diligence in the tobacco supply chain are guaranteed.” .

About the experts

click here for the names of the independent experts who corroborate this statement.

Special rapporteurs and independent experts are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to investigate and report to a specific country situation. The experts are not paid for their work.


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