Mali: ‘Critical year’ begins as country returns to constitutional order


The envoy addressed the ambassadors at what he called a “unique moment” in efforts to promote lasting peace and security in the West African country.

“Mali is ushering in a critical year in terms of returning to constitutional order,” he said, with multiple votes planned from March.

In progress

Mr. Wane heads the UN Mission in Mali, known by its French acronym minus mafounded almost a decade ago after insecurity in the north and a military coup.

While much has been achieved in that time, “the targets set by the Council have yet to be fully achieved and the context has changed significantly,” he said.

“As the Council considers the Secretary-General’s recommendation, it is important to keep in mind that stabilizing Mali is crucial not only for the country itself but also for the region as a whole,” he added, referring to an internal one initiated Review of the MINUSMA last year.

“Complex” security situation

Mr Wane last briefed the Council in October, reporting on progress in restoring civilian rule in Mali following the August 2020 military coup, ongoing insecurity and rising humanitarian needs.

Since then, the security situation has remained “complex”, especially in the center of the country and in the border triangle with Burkina Faso and Niger.

Internal displacement remains high due to the activities of extremist groups. In December there were around 412,000 people.

In total, 8.8 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, a 17 percent increase since early 2022. Two million children under the age of five remain acutely undernourished.

El-Ghassim Wane, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), briefed the Security Council on the situation in Mali.

Humanitarian operations affected

“The armed forces have stepped up efforts that have enabled a reduction in the number of security incidents in certain regions. However, extremist groups retain the ability to conduct complex, coordinated operations,” Mr Wane said.

Meanwhile, humanitarian workers have also come under fire. About 124 incidents were registered against them last year, and five aid workers were killed in the regions of Kayes, Ménaka and Ségou.

Demand for additional support for humanitarian operations also remains high, with a $686 million relief plan less than 40 percent funded.

Committed to Protection

“In the last quarter, MINUSMA continued its efforts to protect civilians. This is despite the difficult environment in which it operates and significant capacity gaps,” said Mr. Wane.

Looking to the future, he said MINUSMA has the ability to contribute to safety improvement more effectively.

This will depend on several factors, including obtaining the tools they need to better protect themselves, timely replacement of the troops serving on the mission, and increased coordination with the Malian Defense and Security Forces.

The UN envoy also stressed the “absolute key need” to respect free movement in line with the Status of Forces Agreement.

constitutional referendum

Referring to the transition and peace process, he noted that in less than two months Mali will hold a constitutional referendum that will be the first of a series of polls on the planned restoration of constitutional order in March 2024.

The authorities continue to show their commitment to conducting the elections on time, with developments such as the establishment of a new independent electoral administration body and a preliminary draft constitution.

Still, several challenges remain as the new electoral administration body needs to set up local offices across the country and the ongoing constitutional review process needs to be completed.

support inclusion efforts

Mali’s transitional authorities have convened a series of consultations with political parties and civil society to discuss various aspects of preparing for the constitutional referendum and other elections.

“These initiatives need to be encouraged and supported because inclusion and consensus are critical to the overall success of the transition process,” Mr. Wane said.

Two other aspects are also critical, namely the availability of financial and logistical resources and “the evolution of the security situation,” he added, while stressing the importance of United Nations support.

Peace Agreement 2015

Mr Wane also updated the Council on the dynamics surrounding the 2015 peace accord signed by the authorities and two coalitions of armed groups following the instability in the north a few years ago.

In recent months, disagreements have arisen over the government’s participation in the committee overseeing the agreement, and signatory movements have suspended their participation in the peace process.

MINUSMA, Algeria and other members of the international community, meanwhile, have encouraged dialogue.

“I encourage the parties to do this spare no effort to overcome the current difficulties and make decisive progress in the implementation of the peace agreement,” said Mr. Wane.

“The ongoing transition presents a unique opportunity to do so advance agreement: an opportunity that cannot and should not be missed.”


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