The summit will bring together mayors and city leaders to discuss strategies to address the global burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and the increasing burden of injuries on city health systems.
NCD’sincluding heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease injuries for various reasons such as street violence, car accidents and falls are responsible for 80 percent of all deaths worldwide.
The majority of the world’s population now lives in cities and the The United Nations has predicted that by 2050, around 2.5 billion more people will live in cities.
Cities are therefore in a unique position to implement policies to significantly reduce exposure to risk factors, WHO said in a press release announcing the event in the British capital.
A connected green network in the Colombian city of Medellín has greatly improved the lives of its citizens.
“Bloom or Perish”
The summit will highlight best practices that help save lives and create healthier, more vibrant cities.
“Human health can either thrive or perish in citiessaid Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.
“Through the Healthy Cities Partnership, WHO and its partners are working with mayors to develop programs and policies that put health at the center of urban design, such as B. safe roads promoting active mobility, local sources of fresh and healthy food, and smoke-free spaces.
“These are crucial for building cities that promote health and well-beingby tackling noncommunicable diseases such as heart and respiratory disease, cancer and diabetes.”
More urgency required
the Partnership for Healthy Cities Founded in 2017, is a global network of more than 70 major urban areas.
Supported by Bloomberg philanthropists in partnership with the WHO and Vital Strategies enables cities around the world to implement an effective policy or programmatic intervention to prevent noncommunicable diseases and injuries.
“Noncommunicable diseases and injuries are the leading killers worldwide, but they are preventable and the Healthy Cities Partnership is addressing them with the urgency we need more of,” said Michael Bloomberg, WHO Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases and Injuries.
Mr. Bloomberg, who is also a founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies and a three-time mayor of New York City, added: “City leaders are the first line of defense in protecting public healthand the first-ever summit of our network is an opportunity for even more partners to join the fight, take effective action and accelerate our collective lifesaving work.”

Hamburg in Germany was one of the first cities in Europe to switch to purchasing 100% electric buses.
To hand over knowledge
In November last year, the co-host of the summit, the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, announced the expansion of the city’s world-leading Ultra Low Emission Zone across London. The measure to reduce congestion, protect health and combat climate change will come into force on August 29, 2023.
“Toxic air makes us sick from the cradle to the graveleading to asthma and stunted lung growth in young people and dementia in the elderly,” Mr Khan said.
“Cities have the power to shape the health of their citizens and I look forward to learning from and sharing knowledge with other city leaders and coming together to address the key health challenges of the future.”