“By almost every possible standard and in every area of human rights – economic, social and cultural, as well as civil and political – Myanmar has experienced a profound setback,” he said.
“Despite clear legal obligations for the military to protect civilians in the conduct of hostilities, such existed consistent disregard of the related rules of international law“, the head of OHCHR added.
Indiscriminate Attacks
Far from being spared, civilians were the real targets of attacks – victims of targeted and indiscriminate artillery and air strikes, extrajudicial executions, the Use of torture and burning of entire villages.”
The UN chief justice paid tribute to the courage of all those who have so far lost their lives “in the struggle for freedom and dignity in Myanmar and the enduring pain and suffering of their families and loved ones”.
According to credible sources, OHCHR said, at least 2,890 people have died by the military and others associated with them, at least 767 of whom were initially taken into custody.
This is almost certainly an underestimate of the numbers killed by the military.
1.2 million had to flee
A staggering 1.2 million Burmese have been internally displaced and over 70,000 have left the country – join more than a million other people who have fled, including most of the country’s Muslim Rohingya population, who have suffered decades of continued persecution and attacks, OHCHR noted.
Credible information indicates that over 34,000 civilian buildings, including homes, clinics, schools and places of worship, have been burned in the past two years, the Rights Bureau said.
And Myanmar’s economy has collapsed, with almost half the population now living below the poverty line.
As of February 1, 2021, the military imprisoned the entire democratically elected leadership in the country and arrested more than 16,000 others in the months that followed – most of whom are facing flimsy charges in military-controlled courts that constitute flagrant violations of the right to due process and a fair trial, combined with their refusal to accepting the actions of the military, OHCHR stressed.
find a way out
“There must be a way out of this catastrophic situationwho only sees increasing human suffering and human rights violations every day,” said Mr. Türk. “Regional leaders engaging military leadership through ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) agreed on a five-point consensus that Myanmar’s generals have treated with contempt.”
“Two of the critical conditions agreed — to end all violence and to allow humanitarian access — have not been met,” he continued. “In fact, we saw the opposite. Violence is out of control and access for humanitarian aid has been severely restricted.”
Release Aung San Suu Kyi
The High Commissioner pointed to other policy measures that are critical to solving the crisis. First, the release of all political prisoners, including State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myintas required by the UN Security Council.
He said that a comprehensive dialogue with all parties, involving both the ASEAN leader and the UN special envoy, is essential. OHCHR must be given meaningful access to the country to monitor the situation independently and impartially, he added.
“Restoring respect for human rights is a key to ending this crisisto end this situation where Myanmar’s generals are trying to use brute force to prop up a decades-old system in which they are accountable to no one but themselves,” said Mr. Türk.
“Those responsible for the daily attacks on civilians and human rights violations must be held accountable,” Mr. Türk said.
Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
return to civilian rule
“The military must be placed under real, effective civilian oversight. This will be difficult to achieve, but these elements are critical to restoring a semblance of democratic rule, security and stability to the country.”
He noted that just last month, the Security Council “convened to pass a landmark resolution calling for an immediate end to the violence, among other urgent steps.”
“Now is the time for the world to come together to take collective action to stop the killing, protect the people of Myanmar and ensure respect for their universal human rights.”