South Sudan: Amid ‘unimaginable suffering’, over 260,000 needy are earmarked for humanitarian assistance


Connected shocks have devastating effects on the most vulnerable, said the United Nations Humanitarian Office, OCHA.

“This funding will help reduce people’s vulnerability and protection risk through activities carried out by the United Nations Humanitarian Organizations in South Sudan,” said Sara Beysolow Nyanti, Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan.

And it will ensure aid gets to those in need “as quickly as possible,” she added.

New assignment

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Program (WFP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are among the implementing organizations targeting those with the greatest needs.

Some people have experienced multiple shocks that have led to secondary and tertiary displacements – triggering further protection risks and loss of livelihoods.

The newly allocated humanitarian funding will benefit people in Unity, Upper Nile, Northern Bhar el Ghazel, Jonglei and Warrap States and Abyei Governorate.

Prioritizing those most in need

Funding will be used to expand existing cash programs to provide life-saving services to those most in need, including shelter, health, education, water and sanitation.

Among IDPs and host communities, the senior UN official stressed the importance of prioritizing those with the most pressing needs.

“Women, girls, the elderly, people with special needs and people left behind in hard-to-reach areas due to mobility restrictions often bear the brunt of protracted crises and need urgent support,” she explained.

Fund Breakdown

Critical humanitarian needs were identified in consultation with several coordination forums and national non-governmental organizations.

Promotion of localization and Huge bargain Pledges will be allocated at least 15 per cent of funds to national NGOs, including women-led organizations that are partners to the receiving members of the UN system.

Funded projects will integrate protection, gender and inclusion sensitivity, and collective accountability efforts to affected populations into the response.

“People go through unimaginable suffering. We cannot leave behind the most vulnerable,” Ms Nyanti said.

Fast relief

Since its inception 16 years ago CERF has provided rapid emergency assistance to those in need.

This year alone, $54 million has been allocated to humanitarian projects in South Sudan, including the recent $14 million allocation for underfunded emergencies.

© UNICEF/Phil Hatcher-Moore

Women distribute sacks of grain at a food distribution in South Sudan.

Earlier in the year, it committed $15 million to help mitigate the effects of planned flooding in Unity state. US$10 million to help people affected by violence in Abyei Municipality and Twic County; and $15 million to address rising food insecurity in Jonglei and Unity states.

Humanitarians under attack

Nonetheless, the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan has been underfunded for all interventions, putting millions of people at risk.

An estimated 9.4 million of South Sudan’s most vulnerable will need urgent life-saving assistance and protection next year – compared to 8.9 million this year.

As of December 13, the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan was 67.3 percent funded

“We need long-term solutions to close the growing funding gaps and pave the way for development,” affirmed the Humanitarian Coordinator.

At the same time, the country remains the most violent country for aid workers, according to OCHA, which said nine humanitarian aid workers have been killed on duty in South Sudan since the beginning of this year.


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