Syria: Chemical weapons pose an unacceptable threat and ‘danger to us all’


Speaking on behalf of High Representative Izumi Nakamitsu, Deputy Adedeji Ebo said that “the lack of accountability” for the past use of chemical weapons by combatants in Syria’s long-running civil war “poses a threat to international peace and security and a danger to all of us.” “.

“Therefore, it is imperative to hold accountable those who would dare to use chemical weapons,” he continued. “As the new year begins, I express my sincere hope that the members of this council will come to an agreement on this issue.”

No movement

UNODA is in regular contact with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on Resolution 2118which mandates the Syrian government to destroy all chemical weapons in its possession.

All outstanding issues “have not moved forward” since the Council last met on the matter, Mr Ebo said, adding that “all efforts by the OPCW Technical Secretariat to organize the next round of consultations… remain unsuccessful”.

“The full cooperation of the Syrian Arab Republic with the OPCW Technical Secretariat is essential to close all outstanding issues,” he underlined.

No reaction, no conformity

The UN official told the Council that Syria is yet to provide a statement regarding the unauthorized transfer of two cylinders linked to a 2018 chemical weapons incident in Douma.

He also noted that the Nov. 6-12 OPCW fact-finding mission “continues to investigate all available information related to allegations of chemical weapons use” in the country.

Let’s turn to the 2021 decision by the United Nations-backed international organization investigating the use of chemical weapons, entitled Handling of possession and use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic‘ Mr Ebo was informed that Syria ‘has not yet completed any of the measures required‘ in a decision last year.

It requires that the country, within a specified timeframe: identify the facilities where the chemical weapons used in the March 2017 attacks were developed, manufactured, stored and stored operationally for delivery; the chemical weapons it currently possesses; and to resolve any outstanding issues regarding its initial declaration of its chemical weapons stockpile and program.

“The OPCW Technical Secretariat will continue to work with the Syrian Arab Republic towards its conclusion and will continue to report to the OPCW Executive Board as required,” concluded the UNODA Deputy High Representative.

click here to watch the session in full.


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